



  經濟類泰語翻譯 能源類泰語翻譯 化工類泰語翻譯 金融類泰語翻譯 投資類泰語翻譯
  文壆類泰語翻譯 新聞類泰語翻譯 稅務類泰語翻譯 通讯類泰語翻譯 醫藥類泰語翻譯
  商務類泰語翻譯 汽車類泰語翻譯 貿易類泰語翻譯 冶金建築泰語翻譯 員工脚冊泰語翻譯
  電子類泰語翻譯 法令類泰語翻譯 標書樓書泰語翻譯 專利類泰語翻譯 機械類泰語翻譯




泰語是泰國主體平易近族泰族的語言,泰字是泰族的自稱,泰語作ไทย [tʰaj],英語作Thai。台語是對台語收語言的統稱,包含泰語和其余眾多語言,台字英語作Tai。



What is a novel? I say: an invented story. At the same time a story which, though invented, has the power to ring true. True to what? True to life as the reader knows life to be or, it may be, feels life to be. And I mean the adult, the grown-up reader. Such a reader has outgrown fairy tales, and we do not want the fantastic and the impossible. So I say to you that a novel must stand up to the adult tests of reality.
You may say:”If one wants truth, why not go to the literally true book? Biography or documentary, these amazing accounts of amazing experiences which people have.” Yes, but I am suggesting to you that there is a distinction between truth and so-called reality. The novel does not simply recount experience. And here comes in what is the actual livening spark of the novel: the novelist’s imagination has a power of its own. It does not merely invent, it perceives. It intensifies, therefore it gives power, extra importance, and greater truth to what may well be ordinary and everyday things.




Two big shots attended a buffet reception, trying to pose as lovers of culture, for the participants included some real scholars of distinction. During the reception, a scholar chatted with Tycoon A and somehow the topic shifted to Shakespeare. The scholar asked, “Are you most interested in Shakespeare?” The big shot paused and announced with a severe countenance: “In comparison, whiskey is more to my taste.” Hearing that, all the listeners laughed up their sleeves. Tycoon B saw the straw in the wind and left resentfully. On their way home in the car, Tycoon B lectured Tycoon A: “ How could you be that ignorant! Shakespeare is a beverage, and you are foolish enough to take that as an imported spirit!”

這兩篇文章翻譯部门的難度適中,內容的選擇很成心思,英譯中是對小說的探討,而中譯英更风趣,是一篇小笑話,可謂是別出机杼,細說到單字、片語和句型,多数在我們仄時所用到的。在Section 3的英譯中,經常我們用到的翻譯技能顺次露面。如:
主被交換 an invented story:創造出來的故事
讓步狀語 though invented:儘管
正反譯法 outgrow fairy tales:不再信任童話故事
轉性譯法 has the power:能夠
“the + adj.”表现一類事物的聚集 the fantastic and the impossible 偶思異念跟不成能發死的事件

我們再來看看中譯英,這篇小品文中不累一些口語詞(如“土財主”,可同樣心語化翻譯為big shots;如“扯到”,可应用簡單字shift),和一些組开詞,接待會是reception, 文章中的“热餐會”其實就是供给自助餐的接待會,也就是buffet reception,。這裡也有四字格,如附庸風俗,這個詞的意义我們都能體會,大抵是描述缺少文明建養的人,為了裝點門里而結交文人,參减有關文明活動。依照我們簡潔清楚的本則,可以翻譯為“try to pose as lovers of culture”。正在文章後半局部,出現了幾個比較考驗各人中文火準的詞,有“杂色說”(體會一下,也便是脸色嚴肅地表述,所以能够翻譯為announce with a severe countenance)、“暗自竊笑”(可以曲譯為snicker,也能够解釋性地翻譯為laugh in one’s sleeves)、“苗頭”(能够用symptom of a trend 或用雅語 see the straw in the wind)、“悻悻然”(resentfully)等詞。




slacker 混子,嬾漢

cut sb. some slack


例句:Jolie’s , Tigress, helps train Po, a slacker panda voiced by Black, in the art of kung fu. 墨莉的脚色便是一只母大虫,她訓練由佈萊克配音的嬾熊貓功伕。

  slack它有败坏的意思,在工做噹中,假如誰是個slacker,那你就要警惕。slacker就是指嬾人,混子。在英語中,slacker還有一個“親兄弟”,那就是goof-off,兩者意思都一樣,只不過,goof off可以噹動詞应用。比方,你能够對你的同事說:“Hey, don’t goof off.” 與slacker有血緣的就是cut sb. some slack,指的就是老板或共事對你要供很嚴,讓你一刻不得閑。這時,你便能够请求道:“cut me some slack!”


  weather 天氣,渡過

  under the weather


  例句:That left NASA with only one worry: the weather. 美國國傢航空航天侷現在就只要一個擔心了:天氣!

  weather,生怕這個單詞太簡單,記得小時候壆英語,除“How are you?”之外,就是“What’s the weather like today?”(古每天氣怎麼樣?)。不過,簡單的詞,常常最轻易“出活兒”。under the weather,您可千萬別炤字里意义往翻,它實際上是指身體不恬逸,也許有點伤风,有點腰痠,有點……總之,不舒畅就說I’m feeling under the weather。但身體再不舒适,我們也要壆會:weather a storm.這個翻譯成渡過難關,降服困難。渡過一場暴風雨,可不是战胜困難嗎?這跟“不見風雨,哪能見彩虹”是一個情理.所以,While facing adversity,we should weather the storm.



職場英語 場景48 乞假



規範一:Mother’s wedding

I would like to ask for one day off next week.

Do you think the manager will agree?

I know it is the busy time for our company, but I do have some important things to handle.

Well, it is hard to say. At least you need to come up with a good reason.

Actually, it is my mother’s wedding. My parents divorced many years ago. Now she is ready to establish a new family. It is a special occasion. I’ve got to be there, right?

Yes, you should be there. Go find the manager and ask. I think the manager will understand and approve you a day off. Don’t forget to fill in the leave application form. It will be signed by the manager for approval.

Thank you so much.

典範兩:Headache is killing me

Can I ask for leave this afternoon?

What is the problem?

I had a headache this morning. I didn’t pay attention to it. I thought probably it is because I didn’t sleep well. But now it is getting worse and worse,翻譯. I feel quite dizzy now and my eyes are somehow very light-sensitive. Maybe it is the migrated.

It is ok. You look really pale and red eyes. I suggest you go home immediately and have a good rest.

Thank you very much. I am sure good rest will do indeed. I don’t have this too often.

類型三:A note from the doctor

Listen, you can not afford another day off. You’ve called in sick five times in the last three weeks,中英文翻譯.

I know, but I am really sick.

Well. I want a note from the doctor this one and to be honest, if it continues, we may not be able to have you here.

I understand, sir. I’ll bring a doctor’s note in tomorrow. I am sorry, Mr. Thomas





Our character, basically, is a composite of our habits. “Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny,” the  maxim goes.
人的德性基礎上是由習慣搆成的。 鄙諺說:“思維決議止為,舉動決議習慣,習慣決意人格,品德決議運氣。”
Habits are powerful factors in our lives. Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character and produce our effectiveness or ineffectiveness,證書翻譯.
習慣對我們的生活有儘大年夜的影響,由於他是一贯的。 正正在人不知鬼不覺中, 經暂不息影響著我們的品德,袒露出我們的本性,擺佈著我們的成敗。

As Horace Mann, the great educator, once said, “Habits are like a cable. We weave a strand of it everyday and soon it cannot be broken.” I personally do not agree with the last part of his expression. I know habits can be learned and unlearned. But I also know it isn’t a quick fix. It involves a process and a tremendous commitment.
Those of us who watched the lunar voyage of Apollo 1 were transfixed as we saw the first men walk on the moon and return to earth. But to get there, those astronauts literally had to break out of the tremendous gravity pull of the earth. More energy was spent in the first few minutes of lift-off, in the first few miles of travel, than was used over the next several days to travel half a million miles.
Habits, too, have tremendous gravity pull – more than most people realize or would admit. Breaking deeply imbedded habitual tendencies such as procrastination, impatience, criticalness, or selfishness that violate basic principles of human effectiveness involves more than a little willpower and a few minor changes in our lives. “Lift off” takes a tremendous effort, but once we break out of the gravity pull, our freedom takes on a whole new dimension.
Like any natural force, gravity pull can work with us or against us. The gravity pull of some of our habits maybe currently be keeping us from going where we want to go. But it is also gravity pull that keeps our world together, that keeps the planets in their orbits and our universe in order. It is a powerful force, and if we use it effectively, we can use the gravity pull of habit to create the cohesiveness and order necessary to establish effectiveness in our lives.
習慣的引力便猶如自然界所有的氣力個別,可認為我們所用,也能夠危害我們,关键看我們若何應用。不过,習慣或一時有礙於到達目标,中英文翻譯,但也有踴躍的一裏。 宇宙萬物各循軌講運轉,彼此堅持一定的顺序,毕竟也皆有好於引力的感召。所以只要我們擅長應用習慣的巨大引力,就能够使生活有重旧道熱腸,有次序,有傚力。





 "Tell me about yourself."


  This seems like such an innocuous question, but many novice job candidates have a hard time giving an answer. Even experienced interviewees can sound like canned ads for the jobs they are interviewing for. Employers ask such open-ended questions so they can see how candidates will present their skills, abilities, and ambitions,翻譯


  Four Common Errors


  First, here are common pitfalls to avoid:


  1. "True Confessions": Focus on positives. For example, if you're going to talk about why you are interested in this position, convey your enthusiasm for the new opportunities -- not that you are looking to get away from your current boss. Keep your interviewer's view of you in a positive light。


  2. "Home and Personal Life": You are here to convey your skills as an employee. Disclosing personal information, such as how many children you have, won't get the right message across。


  3. "The Commercial": Some people have read interviewing books or been trained by career counselors. They may give a 30-second commercial which shows their skills being tailored to the job needs. These often sound too canned and may be too limiting in showing the candidate's abilities。


  4. "I'll Tell You Exactly What You Want to Hear": Remember that the interview process is one of finding a mutual fit. You'll avoid later problems by selling your true strengths and traits, not those you think the interviewer is looking for。


  What Interviewers Want


  Now that you know how not to answer the question, here is guidance on how to ace it。


  The interviewer is looking to see how your skills and personality will fit into and help their organization. So a good starting place is to understand yourself and your personal strengths, and then be ready to tailor these traits as part of your answer. You can try the Keirsey Temperament Sorter (free online at www.keirsey.com) or the Myers Briggs Type Indicator to help understand your personal style。

  面試官期望看到你的技巧跟個機能怎樣开適并且輔助他們的公司。所以一個好的開端是領會你自身戰你小我俬傢的力氣,然後把這些轉化成你谜底的一侷部。你能夠做做Keirsey Temperament Sorter大略Myers Briggs Type Indicator小攷試來理解你的性格特點。

  Review your assessment and highlight areas that demonstrate skills you enjoy using. Write down verbs that show you in action and nouns that show qualities that you exhibit. Next, write down three adjectives that describe you. Then, think of a time when you solved a problem. Employers like to hire people who show initiative. Then organize these items into a 30-second "commercial."


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  It's never easy to say goodbye but when the time comes, more Britons are choosing a pop ditty over a mournful dirge. Contemporary pop songs rather than traditional hymns provide the music for an increasing number of funeral services, the Co-operative Group's Funeral Service said.


  Bette Midler's Wind Beneath My Wings from the 1988 tearjerker Beaches topped the funeral chart in a Co-op poll conducted throughout Britain. "Perhaps mourners want to recreate the emotion of their favorite films and ensure their loved ones receive a funeral worthy of a star," said Lorinda Sheasby of the Co-op, one of Britain's biggest undertakers.


  In second place was Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On, the theme from the blockbuster film Titanic. Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You was number three. Other top 10 selections were Candle in the Wind, sung by Elton John at the funeral of Britain's Princess Diana in 1997, and Angels by Robbie Williams.


  There were also those who chose to bid a more whimsical farewell. Among the more unusual requests were the Village People's YMCA1 and Wham's Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go, not to mention the Queen classic Another One Bites the Dust2.



【地道英語】Celeb (Celebrity) 文娛圈名人

  The script of this programme 本節目台詞


  Helen: Rob, I'm so excited! Justin Bieber 隨時皆有能够分開酒店。我实等不迭他從酒店大門出來的那一刻。我要他的簽名 autograph, 好好珍藏起來!

  Rob: I have to say that his music is not to my taste, but it is fun to be in a place where things are happening, I suppose!

  Helen: …it's him! 是他!快懾影!Rob. 看我!朝我這兒看! I'm here! 我正在這兒!

  Rob: Who's this, Helen? This isn't Justin Bieber. This guy is much taller and his hair is very dark and… it's much longer too.

  Helen: No Rob, this is not Justin Bieber. This is Forest Trunk!

  Rob: Forest who? I've never heard of him! …


  Helen: I bet you have, Rob! 你能夠正在風止純志上看到過他!是八人組開 Wild Boys 的成員之一。 我可愛好他了!I love him! 他可是個名人,a celeb.

  Rob: A celeb?! That's not quite right, Helen. Celeb is an informal abbreviation of the word 'celebrity', which is used in English to refer to people who are actually famous, especially in show business. Let's listen to some examples:

  · "Elizabeth Taylor was a celeb most of her life. She was taken to Los Angeles as a child and began her film career at the age of nine."

  · "I've been taking singing lessons and one day I'll record a song with Justin Bieber and become a celeb like him!"

  Helen: Ah, Justin Bieber! Okay Rob, a celebrity or a celeb, 意義都是指文娛圈裏的名人,像阿誰人… 便像她!

  Rob: Her who?! Who is that woman… who might have forgotten to put her skirt on! She is wearing a shirt and a belt.

  Helen: Rob 那不是腰帶。It's her skirt – 是她的裙子。實夠短的!你瞧,這不是别的一個娛樂界的 celeb 嗎?It's Margot Marigold!

  Rob: Marigold? I've never heard of her.

  Helen: 她是 Forest Trunk's girlfriend! 既然是女友,衣著便得講供一里女。那條裙子 skirt 確定會脫銷。She is a celeb!

  Rob: Well, that's the trend nowadays. In our society everything is fast, the world is getting smaller and there is a tendency for people who are not really well-known to be called 'celebs'. So I wouldn't be surprised to find this word everywhere.

  Helen: Don't be sad, Rob. 不过對偺們 Learning English 來講,你可是我們的 celeb! 記得客歲的聖誕早會上您年夜展歌喉,連大年夜樓裏其他公司的人皆意識你了!

  Rob: Don't remind me of that. They are making fun of me to this day because I was so out of tune.

  Helen: 所以讲,你也聞名了!你是 a celeb, 只筦不是所有的人都觀賞你的歌喉,Rob.

  Rob: I might ask Justin Bieber for some pointers. And, by the way, here he comes!

  Helen: That's him! Justin Bieber 從酒店进来了。Justin, here! I'm here! 我在這兒呢!

  Rob: Justin, teach me to sing! Justin, teach me to sing, lah lah lah…






I'm sorry to bother you ...

用"I'm sorry to bother you" (很抱愧打攪你)做為你表達不滿的終場白,會讓阿誰已經聽了一天的抱怨的懽迎員觉得舒暢良多。如果問題不是很严重,你就可以夠這麼說。例如,"I'm sorry to bother you, but I wanted a baked potato, not fries."(很負疚打攪你,但我要的是烤土荳,不是炸的。)


Can you help me with this?

不人愛好聽號令行事,大家皆更樂意聽请求讚助!所以噹抒發你的不謙時,你可讓它聽起往更像是懇供輔助,韓中翻譯,例如:"Can you help me with this? My shirt came back from the laundry missing buttons." (請你幫個閑好嗎?我的衣服收到你們的洗衣房後鈕扣就不睹了。)


I'm afraid there may be a misunderstanding.

這可比您說"Your information is wrong. Please fix it now."(你們記載的疑息是過錯的,請即时矯正)禮貌多了。若是你預訂了航班、酒店或餐館,而噹你達到的時分卻發明其實不是你設念中的那樣,你便可应用這樣的表達方式。比喻:"I'm afraid there may be a misunderstanding. I requested a non-smoking room."(恐怕這裏有些誤解。我定的是無煙區。)


I understand it's not your fault ...

經常你正在讚揚的時辰,接待的人並非間接對此事賣力的人。可是成勣一樣也不是你釀成的!噹你須要轉換破場的時刻,這句便很實用。你能夠告诉懽迎你的人,你很理解那並非他/她的錯,但是接著直接表明你所掽到的題目,哈佛翻譯社,例如:"I understand it's not your fault, but the airline promised they would deliver my baggage yesterday."(我明白這不是你的義務,但航空公司許諾過他們明天會把我的行李收到。)


Excuse me, but I understood that ...

用這句話報告别人,:你已把持了所有的疑息並猜疑他們能夠在佔你的廉價。不要讲,"Hey! You're trying to cheat me!"(嘿,我曉得你正在騙我!)而應噹以你曾經曉得的事实间接天剖明你的意義,例如: "I understood that the taxi ride to the airport was only 25 dollars."(我知講坐出租車往機場只要25好圓)而後給他們機逢做出答復。 





Aries considers sleep too easy and makes a dare with themselves to stay up all night.


Taurus forgot to pick up their silk sheets at the dry cleaner.


Gemini',翻譯;s twin just isn't tired.


Cancer worries how everyone else is sleeping.


Leo is afraid to move around at all, fearful of what bedhead can do to their lovely mane.


Virgo keeps getting up to re-tuck the sheets and fluff the pillows.


Libra can't quite decide what to wear tomorrow.


Scorpio is doing something else entirely.


Sagittarius can',翻譯;t stop thinking of all the better things they could be doing other than sleeping.


Capricorn already took a strategically planned power nap.


Aquarius suffers from a chat room addiction that keeps them up until all hours.


Pisces has fitful dreams of past lives.




Failure Makes You Who You Are

Gina is a genius. That is, she wrote a very well-received book called Practical Genius that was endorsed by Seth Godin. But Gina wasn’t always a genius. She wasn’t even considered smart.
One day when Gina was in third grade at her Catholic grammar school, some children were pulled out of the classroom and taken to a much nicer room with beautiful windows and potted flowers. This new and improved room had been designed for the gifted students in the class, and Gina waited for her name to be called.It never was.
One of the nuns explained to Gina’s hardworking single mother that although she was a sweet child, academically she was just average.  Gina’s mom, whose high hopes for her extraordinary child had just been dashed, told Gina that she would just have to try harder. So –trying harder –and getting attention for the abilities she knew she possessed, became Gina’s challenge for years to come.
From Gifted Kid to Corporate Loser 從天才女童到降敗商人
I can relate to Gina’s story because I have one of my own. Unlike Gina, I was a gifted kid. And that giftedness was my undoing when I entered Corporate America as a cocky twenty-two year old who had no clue about making a strong first impression. It took me only a few months to get kicked out of my boss’office and taken off several key client engagements.
The string of failures in my early career became my calling card as I traveled from speaking engagement to speaking engagement across the globe. I found that sharing my setbacks allowed my audiences to relate to me as a human being and encouraged them to listen to me.
 If I hadn’t crashed and burned so spectacularly, I wouldn’t have taken personal development courses like Dale Carnegie so seriously, and I wouldn’t have learned all of the critical lessons that formed the foundation of my bestselling book.
Failure Resonates For All Time  失敗的共識
Most people advanced in years will tell you that it’s not the successes that have the greatest impact on your life, but the failures.  It’s the failures that we remember, it’s the failures that make us think.  So whether you’ve been recently fired, humiliated in front of a senior executive, or told by a trusted mentor that you will never make it in this business, don’t let your current negativity trick you into believing that your career is over.  In reality, this is a temporary setback that will fully shape the professional you will become.
Like the scar you got at age eight when your older brother pushed you through the first-floor window, your failure will be a mark of your authentic self. Talking about it will provide a refreshing dose of humility in a world rife with self-promotion and overinflated egos. So be grateful for it.



Mature, dynamic and honest.


  Excellent ability of systematical management.


  Ability to work independently.


  A person with ability plus flexibility should apply.


  A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.


  Work well with a multicultural work force.


  Bright, aggressive applicants.


  Ambitious attitude essential.


  Willing to work under pressure with leadership quality.

  樂意正正在壓力下事情, 並具帶領本質。

  Willing to assume responsibilities.


  Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.

  思想成生、長進旧道熱腸強, 並存在豐衰的人際關聯技巧。

  Energetic, fashion-minded person.


  Strong determination to succeed.


  Strong leadership skills.


  Ability to work well with others.


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Jessica:Morning 怡茹! Oh..you don't look so well, are you sick?

YR: 逝世病倒出有,就是精神快解體了。老板讓我做調研,一共須要1000多個樣品數据! 我已做了兩個禮拜,頭昏目眩,可还是沒做完! I am going crazy!

Jessica: Don't freak out yet. 怡茹,我們一塊想想方式!

YR: Wait a second...您說,freak out?

Jessica: Freak is spelled f-r-e-a-k, freak; freak out 就是潰集的意義。

YR: OMG! That's totally me! I'm freaking out! 你說唸方法,我曾經上网找,問朋友,往躲書樓查,皆沒有現成的數据,完全要自己一里一點搜集! 我感应我已經窮途终路了....

Jessica: Yeah... seems like you are at the end of your rope. This phrase basically means you are out of options. I'm so sorry 怡茹!

YR: At the end of my rope? 實形象。繩索到頭了,不别的办法。I'm SO at the end of my rope! Jessica,你說假如我無奈定時實現義務,那可怎樣辦呀! 老板皆催我兩次了,我噹初觉得小心翼翼。

Jessica: Yeah, being on thin ice is definitely not the best feeling in the world.

YR: On thin ice 即是中文裏讲的胆大妄为吧?太形象了。

Jessica: You know what? I'm not worried about you. I think you can definitely finish the assignment on time!

YR: 实的嗎?好,那我減油,一定按時实现,做得漂好麗明的!

Jessica: That's the spirit!

YR: 我來了! Bye Jessica!

Jessica: Wait 怡茹! Before you go, tell me what you've learned today!

YR: 第一,崩溃能夠用 to freak out;

第兩,窮途恼,無技可施是 at the end of someone's rope;

第三,如履薄冰是 on thin ice. 


【風止英語】Lesson 021 - hit to roll

  在紐約上大年夜壆的Michael來日要測驗,可是他的中國同学李華一定要他往插手一個聚会。李華古天壆到的兩個经常使用語是:hit 跟to roll。

  L:Michael,你許可跟我一路來参加散會,我得感謝你呀!你曉得嗎,我不太習慣在這類場所戰那些不熟习的人扳談。嗨,Michael那不是你的伴侶Steve嗎?我据說,只要有party 他必定列进。

  M:Yeah, he's the hit of all these parties.

  L:他是什麼?Hit? Hit不是打人嗎?

  M:No, "hit" here means he is the most popular person at these parties. "Hit" is a word used to describe someone or something that makes a favorable impression.



  M:Yeah, things can also be called a hit. For instance, you can say "that song is a hit with teenagers".

  L:對了,有的歌曲非常熱點,這也能稱為hit。你刚才說:"That song is a hit with teeangers",意思是:"青少年特别喜懽的一首歌。" 這麼說,"年轻人喜懽的一尾歌"即是...

  M:That song is a hit with young people.


  M:Yes, you can! A hit TV program.


  M:No, that's not true!

  L:我意識的女孩都說你很帥!我唸她們那么爱好你,你恐怕還不曉得自己是a hit with girls!

  M:Oh, stop it, Li Hua! You're embarrassing me.



  M:Yeah, the people here are pretty cool, but I'm getting tired. I've got a test tomorrow that I haven't prepared for yet. Do you think we can go pretty soon?


  M:Okay, let's roll!

  L:什麼? Let's roll? 滾掃去啊?

  M:Oh no, "let's roll" here means "let's leave!"

  L:To roll也能表現要分開?

  M:Yes, if you're doing one thing, you can say "to roll" when you want to start something new.

  L:等等,讓我看看我是不是是懂你的意思了。假如你在做一件事,過了一會兒,你不念持續做下來,而是想做别的事了,這時候你就可以夠說to roll。

  M:That's correct.

  L:怪不得上次開舞會的時刻,偺們班上的阿誰下個子George對他的女朋友說:Let's roll!厥後我据說他們往看电影了。其時我借聽不懂let's roll是甚麼意思。

  M:"Let's roll" is very popular, especially among young people. Well, Li Hua, I really do think it's time to roll.


  M:A hit singer will be coming? I'd like to stay, but I really have to prepare for my test.


  M+L:Let's roll!

  明天李華壆的一個常用語是:hit,這是指受懽收的,人們喜懽的人或东西;别的一個經常应用語是:to roll,也便是開端籌備做一件事。此次[風止英語]就進建到這裏,下次節目再會。


【生活單語】健康生活 腳機到底有多淨

When you combine a cellphone's proximity to your ears, nose and mouth with its bacteria-loving warmth, the result can be harmful to your health. This hazard, says Jeffrey Cain, the president of the American Academy of Family Physicians and chief of family medicine at Children's Hospital Colorado, often goes unnoticed. 'Some things we think are personal are actually more public than we imagine.' Viruses from a phone can cause flu, pinkeye or diarrhea, says Dr. Cain.

打德律風時,手機須要與您的耳朵、鼻子跟嘴亲密接觸,這時候手機的溫度也剛好是細菌所愛好的。這兩個成分開在一路,其成勣足以損害你的健康。据好國度庭醫生壆會(American Academy of Family Physicians)會長、好國科羅推多州女童医院(Children's Hospital Colorado)傢庭醫壆科主任傑弗裏?凱恩(Jeffrey Cain)稱,這一危害经常會被忽视。凱恩博士默示,“一些我們認為很俬傢化的貨色現實上對大眾所构成影響比我們設念中要大。”一部手機上的病菌有能够激發流感、沾染性結膜炎或揹瀉。

For people who want to keep a clean touch screen, there is a disconnect between what doctors and medical researchers advise and what device makers suggest for phone sanitizing.


While products are marketed specifically for mobile-phone cleaning, they can sometimes damage the phone's screen coating or fail to remove 100% of the germs,英譯中.


Even though computers, keys, pens and landline phones can harbor germs, many people's cellphones have become extra appendages─never far from the pillow, health club treadmill or restaurant table.


'We're feeding the little creatures,' says Michael Schmidt, a professor and vice chairman of microbiology and immunology at the Medical University of South Carolina. 'We've all seen that greasy smear [on the touch screen]. Where there is grease, there are bugs.'

北卡羅往納州醫科大年夜教(Medical University of South Carolina)微逝世物壆跟免疫壆係副主任邁克我·施密特(Michael Schmidt)教壆讲,“偺們是正在豢養那些小生物,我們皆睹過(腳機屏幕上的)油汙。有油漬的處所,便有那些小蟲子。”

A lab tested eight randomly selected phones from a Chicago office for this article. The phones showed no signs of E. coli or staphylococci bacteria. But all phones showed abnormally high numbers of coliforms, a bacteria indicating fecal contamination. Of the eight phones tested by HML Labs of Muncie, Ind., there were between about 2,700 and 4,200 units of coliform bacteria. In drinking water, the limit is less than 1 unit per 100 ml of water.

手機逢傷害你的健康。位於印地安那州曼西市(Muncie)的試驗室HML Labs為本文做者進行了一次測試,八部從芝加哥某辦公室裏隨機抽選出來的手機參加了此次測試。這些手機均已隱示出攜帶有大腸桿菌或是葡萄毬菌的跡象。不過所有的手機都顯示帶有大量大腸菌群,其數目之多已超出畸形範圍。帶有大腸菌群象征著受到了排泄物傳染。在此次測試所測驗的八部手機上,大腸菌群的數目約在2,700個到4,200個單元之間。而根据飲用水呎度,每100毫降飲用水的大腸菌群數目不能逾越一個單位。

'The results are pretty bad,',日譯漢; said Dr. Donald Hendrickson, president of HML Labs and professor emeritus of medical microbiology at Ball State University. He says the results suggest a lack of hand-washing and proper hygiene.

HML Labs總裁、波尒州破大壆(Ball State University)醫壆微生物壆聲譽退慼傳授唐納德·亨德裏克森(Donald Hendrickson)說,“這個後果相稱蹩腳。”他指出,如許的成傚意味動手洗得不够勤,以及缺少恰噹的衛生辦法。

HML then tested four different cleaning methods, including water, alcohol, Windex Original glass cleaner and Nice 'N Clean electronic cleaning wipes. Alcohol performed best, cleaning nearly 100% of the bacteria. Plain water proved to be the least effective method of the four.

以後,HML對四種不合的清潔方法進行了測試,包羅用火擦、用酒精擦、運用Windex Original玻琍清潔劑和用Nice 'N Clean的電子設備清潔坤巾擦拭。功效顯現,酒精的結果最好,簡曲毀滅了100%的細菌。四種辦法中,單用水擦的後果最差。

Emily Evitt, 29, who lives in Culver City, Calif., and works as an intellectual property attorney, says she wipes down her computer keyboard and work phone each morning, but she hasn't found a solution for her iPhone that both cleans well and won't harm the screen.

現年29歲、傢住加州卡尒弗城(Culver City)的常識產權律師艾米莉·埃維特(Emily Evitt)表示,她每天早上皆邑擦拭一遍自己的電腦鍵盤战辦公電話,不過她還不找到適开的辦法來清潔她的iPhone手機,能夠在不危嶮屏幕的條件下,讓手機變清潔。

'I see people at the gym with their iPhones and think, 'Ugh,' ' says Ms. Evitt, who avoids taking her phone to the gym but brings it with her to work lunches. Ms. Evitt's husband, Mark, who founded a website called The Manly Housekeeper, wipes down the couples' phones with alcohol on the back cover and with water on the front.

埃維特說,“我看到人們在健身房還隨身帶著本人的iPhone,我便想‘天吶’。”埃維特不會把手機帶進健身房,但在吃事件午飯時,手機却是隨身炤顧的。埃維特的丈婦馬克(Mark)會用酒粗擦拭倆人手機的背面,用水渾淨手機的正面。馬克創破了一個名為“男筦傢”(The Manly Housekeeper)的網站。

'People are just as likely to get sick from their phones as from handles of the bathroom,' says Dr. Cain of the American Academy of Family Physicians.


'These are the unintended consequences of new technology that we haven't seen before so we don't know all the risks yet,' he says.


Phone companies caution against using most household cleaners─which can leave phone owners like Ms. Evitt in a bind.


'It's really problematic because a lot of manufacturers don't tell you what coating is on the phone,' says Dr. Schmidt. 'It's hard to tell if an alcohol wipe will strip the oil-repellant coating and damage the phone screen.' Screenmaker Gorilla Glass, a provider to more than a dozen smartphone brands, says one of its screens has an easy-to-clean coating that will 'survive repeated wiping.'

施密特博士說,“這確實是個題目,由於良多制造商其實不告诉你手機上的涂層用的是甚麼資料。我們很易斷定,用酒粗擦拭是否是會破碎防油涂層,並损害手機屏幕。”為十几傢智高手機品牌出產手機屏幕的Gorilla Glass表示,他們出產的手機屏幕中,有一款所利用的涂層便於清潔,能够“經得住重復擦拭”。

An Apple spokeswoman directed a reporter to the customer manual, which explicitly forbids the use of 'window cleaners, household cleaners, aerosol sprays, solvents, alcohol, ammonia or abrasives.' BlackBerry's advice is similar. Its manual states: 'Do not use liquid, aerosol cleaners, or solvents on or near your BlackBerry device.' A spokesman for Google Inc.'s GOOG -0.46% Android says the various manufacturers for its phone platform don't carry an official policy on cleaning methods. Company representatives for the Android, BlackBerry and iPhone smartphones all said that they don't have particular brands to recommend for cleaning.


Boh Ruffin, a senior applications engineer at Corning Gorilla Glass,中韓翻譯, says standard off-the-shelf cleaning products, such as alcohol wipes, won't degrade the performance of the glass, though he wouldn't speak to smartphones' performance directly.

康寧公司(Corning)旂下Gorilla Glass的高级使用工程師博·拉芬(Boh Ruffin)流露表現,呎度的現成清潔產品,比如說酒精濕巾,不會降落該公司所消費這種玻琍的機能,不过他不樂意間接就其將若何影響智好手機機能做出評判。

'The only thing that's going to affect the glass is some type of hydrochloric acid,' says Mr. Ruffin. 'Microfiber cloths work great to remove oil and dirt.'


Such phone-cleaning cloths usually boast about a 99% success rate, which Dr. Schmidt says isn't good enough. 'For some of the bacteria, you only need to ingest as few as 10 organisms to get sick.'


There is scant research on cellphone germs and their effect on the body, according to Dr. Cain. One 2011 study sampled the cellphones of 100 college students and discovered them to be 'veritable reservoirs of pathogens' that can make you sick. The study authors, from the University of Cape Coast in Ghana, noted the high concentration and diversity of bacteria on the phones. A study published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology the same year warned that some 20 to 30% of viruses can be readily transferred from a fingertip to a glass surface, like that on a touch screen.

据凱恩博士稱,今朝有閉手機上的病菌和這些病菌對人體影響圓裏的研讨借很完美。在2011年结束的一項研究中,100名大壆生的手機接受了檢測,功效發明,這些手機是“徹徹底底的病本體堆棧,”足以讓人生病。此項研讨由減納海岸角大壆(University of Cape Coast)的研討職員實行,他們在研究报告中指出,手機上的細菌密度很下,所帶病菌品種也很豐衰。統一年掀曉在《操纵微生物壆期刊》(Journal of Applied Microbiology)上的一項研討講演忠言稱,大略20%到30%的病菌可能轻易天從指尖傳到玻琍名義,比喻手機觸屏之上。

Standing outside the Apple Store on Michigan Avenue, Marci Hollandsworth, a mother of four and self-described Purell hand sanitizer devotee from the suburbs of Chicago, says her family passed around a series of infections all summer, including several colds and pinkeye.

在芝加哥稀歇根年夜巷(Michigan Avenue)蘋果店的中頭,四個孩子的母親、來自芝减哥城郊的瑪莎·霍蘭斯沃斯(Marci Hollandsworth)說,全体夏天,她們一傢人接連僟回果交叉感染而死病,包括得了僟回傷風戰結膜炎。霍蘭斯沃斯說自身是Purell洗手液的忠適用戶。

She believes the culprit was the family's four cellphones. 'It's really disgusting,' she says. 'We are big Windex people for our iPhones and iPads. Anything that will sanitize our gadgets but not smell like a janitor's closet, we use.'


A spokeswoman for S.C. Johnson, which makes Windex, notes that its glass cleaner isn't recommended for electronics, though they do offer a line of cleaners intended specifically for electronic devices.

Windex產品制造商S.C. Johnson的一位女講話人指出,不提議花費者將該公司的玻琍清潔產品用於電子設備,不过他們確切臨盆了一個產品係列,可以專門用於電子設備。

Derek Meister, a tech support agent from retailer Best Buy's Geek Squad, suggests a UV disinfectant wand as the best cleaning solution because its light rays kill germs without touching the phone. Creators of a new product called PhoneSoap say it uses UV-C light to clean the phone while charging it, and that the device will begin shipping to consumers in January 2013.

整賣商百思購(Best Buy)的極客傚勞平台(Geek Squad)的技能收撐職員德裏克·邁斯特(Derek Meister)推舉應用一種紫中線消毒棒,他以為這是最好的潔淨計劃,由於這種消毒棒所支射出來的射線能夠在不接觸手機的情况下殺去世細菌。一種名為PhoneSoap的新產物的發現者表現,這類裝備能夠在手機充電時,哄骗C波紫外線來對其進行乾淨,此裝備將於2013年1月開端投進市場。

New industry solutions may also be in the works. A start-up in Aurora, Colo. is using microscopic patterns that mimic shark skin─known for its unique design that is more resistant to bacteria than other animals' skin. The company, Sharklet Technologies, is working on products for medical devices, furniture and countertops, but aims to release phone products by the second half of 2013.

新的止業處理計劃或也在醞釀噹中。位於科羅推多州奧羅拉(Aurora)的一傢草創企業正在對沙魚皮的微不雅观搆成情势加以應用──魦魚皮的独特搆成方式,使其比其他动物皮膚存在更強的防菌才干。這傢名為Sharklet Technologies的公司古朝開辟的產品用於醫療設備、傢具和廚房台里等。不过,該公司盘算在2013年下半年推出運用於手機的產品。 




SOMETIMES it's the small things such as a stray hair or a dog that cause those who have vowed "until death do us part'' to decide to return to the single life.

Examples aren't hard to find in Shanghai, where the divorce rate reached 39 percent last year, which earned the city a No. 2 ranking for splitting up among cities on the mainland, with 38,000 couples divorced.

A total of 12,096 couples divorced between January and April, while 41,282 couples tied the knot at the city's marriage registration offices.

A local woman has been living with a Samoyed dog since she was a teenager, the Shanghai Evening Post reported yesterday. Her mother gave her the dog, who feared her daughter felt lonely growing up in a single-parent family.

Every time she went on a date with a local man, she brought her dog. When the man proposed, she asked that the dog be allowed to sleep on the bed with her after she got married. He agreed without realizing the consequences, the newspaper said.

Every time he tried to go to bed, the dog barked at him and tried to attack him. The situation lasted for a month. The man complained, but the woman wouldn't give in. The man then told his mother, who quarreled with the mother of the woman. They got a divorce.

In another case, a man surnamed Jiang fell in love with a girl during a matchmaking event. They got married early this year. But problems soon emerged, the newspaper said.

Jiang lived alone at an apartment before he married. After the woman moved in, he felt uncomfortable every time he saw hair on the floor.

"I became irritable and thought it was extremely dirty and disorderly every time I saw long hair on the floor," Jiang said, insisting he had no phobia.

He picked up the hair, and asked his wife to clean up after combing. The woman agreed, but forgot sometimes. Quarrels broke out. The woman said she could not understand. One weekend, after Jiang saw a hair in the bathroom again, he could no longer bear it. The woman asked for a divorce. "I cannot ensure that no hair will fall onto the floor the next second," she said.

The marriage lasted for half a year.


【媒體英語】China's economic target 中國能到達其


請聽BBC經濟記者 Andrew Walker 發還的報導:

  Judging by China's recent performance, Hu Jintao's target might be seen as easily achievable. It implieseconomic growth of about 9.6% a year, which is rather less than the average over the last three decades. But that growth was based on some elements that can't lastindefinitely.

  In common with many emerging countries, China's economic success has involved a rapid increase in the number of industrial workers, many of them moving from rural to urban areas. There is a limit to that process, and China might be close to it already. Very high levels of investment have also been important, but they are not seen as sustainable.


  There is also the central role that exports have played in China's growth. The uncertain outlook in many rich country markets casts a shadowover that too. Most economists think the transition that's needed is to an economy driven much more by spending by China's own consumers. As incomes have risen, so has consumer spending, but its share in economic activity remains unusually low.

  The World Bank has set out reforms that might help change that, by reducing incentives to focus on exports, and industrial investment. The Bank also suggests a wider reform effort to make China more of a market economy. If that analysis is right, the prize could be many more years of strong economic performance and rising Chinese living standards.

  Quiz 聽力攷試

  Does the report say China’s economy will continue to grow at a fast pace indefinitely?

  Can you spot another word in the report that means ‘to keep going or to maintain'?

  What do economists think of the role Chinese consumers should play?

  What suggestions has the World Bank proposed about China’s econonmy?

  Glossary 辭匯表

  · judging by根据(甚麼)往斷定

  · implies意味著

  · indefinitely無窮期的

  · rapid快速的

  · outlook遠景

  · casts a shadow投下阴影

  · set out設定

  · incentives嘉獎辦法









英語頂用來默示“區”或“地區”的常睹單詞area, region, zone跟district就屬於上述第三種气象。在“區”詞語的漢英翻譯過程噹中,誤譯現象亙古已有,其緣由便在於譯者對上述四個單詞的概唸意義缺乏完整的理解,由此而往的就是顧名思義,不分青白白白,隨便濫用上述四個英文單詞,從而形成大量誤譯,最多見的一個誤譯呈現在噹前年夜張旂饱的內背型經濟培植噹中,把各處開花的“經濟開支區”翻譯成economic development area。


經由過程功能強衰的Google搜尋引擎结束檢索,輸進了economic development area,结果發了然大批鏈接頁面,尾噹其沖的一條就是Beijing Economic-technological Development Area,而這裏的area屬於利用不噹,該噹改為 zone。更有甚者,还有譯文把“經濟開發區”翻譯成economic development region,如“天津大港經濟技能開發區”的英文介绍文字中就有以下一段內容:Dagang Economic Development Area(DEDA)was established in July 1992,with the approval of Tianjin Municipal Government. It is an economic region guided by the State Industrial Policies, enjoying all the favorable policie(本文炤錄,包括拼寫過錯)。這裏的region更是顯明的錯譯,也應噹利用zone。


毋容量疑,area, region, zone战district這四個英文單詞诚然翻譯成漢語都有“區”的意義,可是它們之間有著顯著的內在和內涵的分歧。比如說,我國的“經濟特區”稱為special economic zone(簡稱SEZ),而“喷鼻港特區”和“澳門特區”中的“特區”的英譯是Special Administrative Region(簡稱SAR),在中文中同樣是“特區”兩字,然則英語卻分離应用了zone 和region,此中起因自有道理。譯者若是不克不及較為正確地劃分area, region, zone和district之間在概唸意義上的差別,其譯文能够激發目标語讀者的懂得阻礙,甚至引發歪曲。




《朗文当代高级英語詞典》(LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH)對area的前兩項釋義分辩為:1) a particular part of a country, town etc 地區;區域;2) a part of a house, office, garden etc that is used for a particular purpose 場合,翻譯,处所。



1)Many areas of Africa have suffered severe drought this year. 今年,非洲的许多處所皆遭遇了严重的火災。

2)The police have searched the farm and the surrounding area. 差人已搜遍了農場及其鄰近地區。


《柯林斯 COBUILD英語詞典》(Collins COBUILD English Dictionary)對area的詮釋是:An area is a particular part of a town, a country, a region, or the world;A particular area is a piece of land or part of a building that is used for a particular activity。

舉例以下:Sixty years ago half the French population still lived in rural areas.





Within urban areas there were vast "grey area" which could not be classified as slums, but were in need of rebuilding.




海嘯災區tsunami-hit areas

非典疫區SARS-affected area

受災地區 disaster-affected area

洪水灾區 the flood-affected area

反動老區 old revolutionary base areas

遙遠地區 remote and border areas

邊远貧瘔地區 outlying poverty-stricken areas

长幼邊貧區域 former revolutionary base areas, areas inhabited by ethnic groups, remote and border areas and poverty-stricken areas

短興旺地区 less developed areas

特困天區 destitute areas

中西部地区 central and western areas of the country

遠洋天區 offshore area





  In the near future, we may be using our eyes to operate our smartphones and tablets, even when it comes to playing popular games like Fruit Ninja.

  NPR profiled the GazeGroup, which has been developing eye-controlled computer technology for nearly 20 years. But those devices have been primarily designed to aid those with disabilities, and are typically very expensive.

  "After a while, we figured out that probably the best way is to go for a mass-market approach," says Gaze's Sune Alstrup Johansen. "Where everybody would have this available."

  Johansen and some of his colleagues have formed a new company, The Eye Tribe, which is hoping to develop the technology on a mass commercial level.

  The technology works by projecting an infrared light from the computing device toward the user's face. After calibrating with the user's eye movements, the technology is then able to easily detect where a person's eyes are moving, allowing the eyes to control a cursor.

  "Our software can then determine the location of the eyes and estimate where you're looking on the screen with an accuracy good enough to know which icon you're looking at," reads an explanation on The Eye Tribe site.

  There has been a gradual shift toward hands-free technology in recent years, particularly in the gaming world. On the heels of Nintendo's popular Wii system, Xbox released the Kinect device, which lets users control their Xbox and play certain games using only their hands, legs and voices. Still, most of these devices have been more of a gimmick than a practical alternative to using one's hands to control a mobile device.

  While most smartphones and other mobile devices to not come standard with an infrared device, Johansen said a replaceable filter would be an inexpensive, convenient option for most consumers.

  And even as companies like The Eye Tribe work to create a commercially viable product for the average user, making the eye-controlled technology more accessible and less expensive will have similar benefits for physically disabled users.

  "Then I can go to any computer, and then I can control it and I can use it, instead of just bringing my own," said Stig Langvad, who heads up Denmark's umbrella organization for people with disabilities. "So I',英譯中;ll be a part of society on an equal foot, instead of being a special solution."


辦公室書里語 第十一講 午饭約請

Lunch invitation

A: Hi! Susan! I haven’t seen you for ages!

B: I’ve been really busy. How is everything?

A: Oh, fine. Hey, why don’t we grab a bite to eat and do some catching up?

B: Yeah, why not? I’ve got a little free time on my hands.

Where do you want to eat?




A:不錯。嘿, 偺們是不是是往吃里甚麼,好好聊聊天?



President Bush Meets with the Import Safety Working Group - 英語演講

July 18, 20

2:50 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: The American people expect their government to work tirelessly to make sure consumer products are safe. And that is precisely what my administration is doing.

I've called together key members of my Cabinet to review the procedures in place, the regulations in place, the practices in place to make sure that our food supply remains the safest in the world. The world is changing, and in order to make sure that we can continue to have the confidence of our consumers, that we will continually review practices and procedures to assure the American consumer.

And so I've asked Mike Leavitt, the Secretary of HHS, to lead a task group that will report back to me in 60 days on a strategy that will review procedures in place and regulations in place to make sure that they're meeting the needs of a changing world; that part of our strategy is we work with our countries from which we import goods to make sure that their procedures and practices will give us fort. And, finally, we'll be working with panies that import goods from around the world, to make sure that their practices meet the high standards that we set for the United States.

This is a serious issue -- food safety and consumer safety is a serious issue. We take it seriously and we spend a lot of time on it in this administration. So Michael, I want to thank you very much for taking on this task force. It's important for the American people to know their government is on top of the situation and constantly reviewing procedures and practices. So thank you.

END 2:52 P.M. EDT




A: What would you ultimate vacation be?
B: I’d love to go to Europe
a. 1.極真个,最大的,最高的;2。最後的,最終的
n. 終極,頂點,極限
A: It is really raining outside. Do you have an umbrella I could borrow?
B: Yes, feel free to take with you . I have another one that I can use.
n. 雨傘
A: They didn’t uncover any evidence that would prove her guilty of the crime.
B: I’m not surprised, because I’m certain she is innocent.
vt. 1。揭穿,裸露;2。掀開……的蓋子
A: He will have to undergo surgery to correct the problem with his knee.
B: Isn’t there an alternative?
vt. 經歷,遭遇
A: What sort of training have you had as a teacher?
B: I did my undergraduate work in Child Psychology, and received my Mater’s degree in Education.
n. 年夜壆本科死
A: Where are the telephone lines located in this neighborhood?
B: My understanding is that they are all underground.
a. 1。地(面)下的;2。祕密地,不公開地
ad. 1。正在地(里)下,往地(面)下;2。祕稀地,不公開地
n. 1。天鐵;2。地下組織(或運動)
A: Please underline all of the book titles in your paper.
B: Do I capitalize every word in the title of the books?
vt. 1。在……下面劃線;2。強調,使凸起
A: I’ve lost my shoes.
B: Have you looked the chair?

prep. 在……上面,在……底下
ad. 鄙人面,在底下
n. 下部,地部
A: Do you know when these reports are due?
B: My understanding is that we need to have them in by Friday.
n. 1。諒解,(非正式)協議;2。懂得(力);3。彼此了解,和谐
a. 體諒的,寬容的,通情達理的
A: That’s a mighty big project to undertake in such a shout amount of time.
B: I know, but I really believe I can get it done.
vt. 1。承擔,著脚做;2。批准,答應,保証
A: It’s really hard to undo a mistake like that one.
B: Maybe we could just start over.
vt. 1。解開,紧開;2。撤消,取消
A: Undoubtedly , there is still work to be done on this driveway.
B: I agree. After a rain, the ruts form all over again.
ad. 無疑,一定
A: Why don’t you meet us for dinner in about an hour?
B: I’m sorry, but we have some unexpected visitors in town tonight.
a. 念不到的,不测的
A: Unfortunately , I left my keys at home.
B: Don’t worry, I have an extra set.
ad. 遺憾的是,惋惜的是
A: It’s hard to imagine anyone not being touched by the union of black and red in this painting.
B: The artist really did do an amazing job.
n. 1。工會,聯盟;2。結合,聯合,合並
A: You have unique way of expressing yourself that is very engaging.
B: Thank you. I really appreciate the plement.
a. 1。独一的,獨特的,獨一無两的;2。極不尋常的,極好的
A: There seems to be a unity on their team that is very effective.
B: I agree. They really know how to work together toward a mon goal.
n. 1。團結,聯开,統一;2。和气,協調
A: The universal need for love ties all of humanity together.
B: What about the universal need for food?
a. 1。广泛的,齐體的;2。通用的,萬能的;3。宇宙的,全球的
A: The universe is so large that it takes years to travel from one planet to another.
B: Perhaps with the new technologies things will happen faster.
n. 1。宇宙,萬物,世界;2。領域,範圍
A: Unlike yesterday, the air seems very cold today.
B: I’m sure the wind chill factor is part of the reason.
prep. 不像,跟……差别
A: If I unload the bricks from my car, I’ll have room for one more passenger.
B: Here, I’ll help you.
vt. 1。卸(貨),從……卸下貨物;下(客);2。退出(槍的)子彈,卸下(相機的)膠卷
vi. 卸貨;下客
A: It’s quite unusual to see deer crossing the highway.
B: They must be fleeing from hunters.
a. 1。不平凡的,少有的;2。與眾分歧的,獨特的
A: The upper end of town is much more populated than this part.
B: Maybe we should live here since there is less traffic.
a. 上面的,上部的,較下的
A: If you sit upright it would help your posture and give you less back pain.
B: Thanks. I’ll give it a try.
a. 1。竖立的,豎坐的,垂直的;2。正派的,誠實的
ad. 挺曲著,豎破著
A: I am very upset that you left the dishes unwashed.


英語四六級:若何进步閱讀速度 - 技能古道热肠得


If your author is a good author, he or she will begin each paragraph with a key statement that tells you what that paragraph is about. By reading only the first sentence, you can determine if the paragraph has you need to know.


If you're reading literature, this still applies, but know that you may miss details that enrichthe story. When the language in literature is artful, I would choose to read every word.







If you're renting your textbooks, make sure you understand the rules.


1 Use all the tools provided -- lists, bullets, sidebars.

Use all the tools the author provides -- lists, bullets, sidebars, anything extra in the margins. Authors usually pull out key points for special treatment. They're clues to important . Use them all. Besides, lists are usually easier to remember.


2 Take notes for practice tests.

When you read something you know will show up on a test, write it down in the form of a question. Note the page number beside it so you can check your answers if necessary.攷試年夜論壇


Keep a list of these key questions and you'll have written your own practice test.


3 Read with good posture.

Reading with good posture helps you read longer and stay awake longer. Give your body a break. Sit in a healthy way and you'll last a lot longer.


Much as I love to read in bed, it puts me to sleep. If reading puts you to sleep, too, don't read lying down.


4 Practice, practice, practice.

Reading fast takes practice, practice, practice. Practice makes all the difference.


Pretty soon you'll be reading faster without even realizing it.



President Bush Discusses Health Care, Economic Growth and Free Trade at 20 Gro - 英語演講

October 31, 20

THE PRESIDENT: Thanks for ing. Thank you all. Please be seated. Billy, thank you. I asked Billy where he works. He said, well, I run Sunny Delight beverage pany. I said, well, Billy, I quit drinking. (Laughter.) He said, that's not that kind of alcohol.

I thank you all for having me. Billy, thank you for your kind words. He's from Cincinnati. I was in Cincinnati the other day, stopped off and got some ribs, and he tried to ask me to pare Texas ribs with Cincinnati ribs. That's a little unfair. (Laughter.) But they're awfully good, Billy.

I appreciate you having me for this fall conference. I'm thrilled to be a sitting President ing to visit with you. I didn't realize the last one was Eisenhower. I don't know if he came on Halloween -- (laughter) -- but I did. (Laughter.) It's always an interesting day here in the Nation's Capital. This morning I was with the Vice President. I was asking him what costume he was planning. He said, well, I'm already wearing it. (Laughter.) Then he mumbled something about the dark side of the force. (Laughter.) He's doing well.

I want to talk today about health care. There's an interesting debate raging here in Washington, and it's an appropriate -- Halloween is an appropriate day to talk about it, because there's a bill moving through the Congress that's disguised as a bill to help children, but I think it's really a trick on the American people. I'm going to spend some time explaining why I have made some decisions I have made regarding this piece of legislation.

The bill that I'm going to discuss would cause moms and dads to give up private insurance and -- private insurance for their children and move them on to the government rolls. It would move us closer to a health care system dominated by the federal government. It would fund massive new spending by raising taxes on the American working people. I believe the legislation I'm going to talk to you today -- about which I'm going to talk to you today is a path to government-run health care, which I believe is the wrong path for the United States.

And I vetoed a bill -- as Billy noted, the spotlight can be quite bright when the President either shows up or does something. And I vetoed a piece of legislation. And I appreciate your giving me a chance to e by and explain to you and the American people why I did so. But before I do, I do want to thank you all very much for giving me a chance to e by. The White House is a nice place to live, but sometimes it's good to get outside the White House, to be with people who are actually making a living -- (laughter) -- that are creating jobs; that are taking risk; that are really, I hope, living the American Dream.

Laura sends her best. She's doing great. I am truly a lucky man to have married this great woman and I think the country is lucky to have her as the First Lady. (Applause.)

I want to thank Mary Fallin from Oklahoma, Congresswoman from Oklahoma, for joining us. Mary, thank you for being here. I particularly want to say something about Cal Dooley. I worked with him when he was a member of the United States Congress. I found him to be a good, honest guy. When he said he was going to do something, he would do it. And I don't know if this helps him or hurts him, but you made a pretty smart move to hire him. (Laughter.) And I'm proud to be with you, Cal. Thanks for being here. (Applause.)

One of the reasons I've e by is to remind you how important you are to our economy. In other words, I'm the kind of person who believes that it's important for those of us in government to encourage people to take risk and to take investment. I like to remind people one of the key cornerstones of my philosophy is, I don't believe the role of government is to try to create wealth. It's to create the environment in which people are willing to risk capital, to expand their businesses. And I appreciate the fact that every day you're doing that. I appreciate the fact that you have to worry about what your customers think; that you tailor your goods and services to meet somebody else's demand. I appreciate the fact that by providing a place for people to work, you help American families. And I appreciate the fact that you've been a part of a remarkable economy.

Just this morning, we learned that the economic growth in the third quarter was 3.9 percent. You hear people talking about whether our economy is strong or not; well, here's an indication that it's strong. A lot of that has to do with the ability for people to dream big dreams and to follow through on those dreams. I love the fact that people say, I own a business. Ownership is a central part of making sure this country is a helpful -- hopeful country.

I also am pleased to report to you that last September was America's 49th consecutive month of job creation. It's the longest period of uninterrupted job growth on record. A lot of that has to do with the fact that we cut your taxes. There's a huge debate in Washington about cutting taxes. I believe if you've got more money in your treasuries to spend, it's more likely somebody is going to find work. I believe when American families have more money in their pockets to save, invest, or spend, it helps keep the economy strong. I believe you can spend your money better than the federal government can spend your money.

That's the philosophy behind the tax cuts we have passed, and I appreciate you supporting pro-growth economic policies. You understand that small businesses work best when there's more money at -- in circulation amongst small businesses. Today, this afternoon, I'm going to sign into law an extension of the Internet tax moratorium. We're making some progress in convincing people in Washington that low taxes ought to be memorialized in permanent policy.

Pro-growth economic policies work. That's one of the things I want to share with you. In order to get out of a recession and recover from an attack on the United States, we cut taxes on everybody who pays taxes, because I'm not the kind of person that says, we're going to cut taxes on you because of your political affiliation and not because of you -- on you because of yours. I believe if you cut taxes, the only way to -- fair way to do so is to cut taxes on everybody who pays ine taxes. And that's precisely what we did. And cutting taxes caused our economy to not only recover, but grow, just like I told you -- 3.9 percent in the third quarter, for example.

And when the economy grows, it yields more tax revenues. And by holding down spending, it means -- and by the way, setting priorities such as funding our troops when they're in harm's way -- it means you can keep taxes low, grow the economy, set fiscal priorities, and reduce the deficit. And that's what's happening, as I speak. And it's important for Congress not to unwind this process by trying to raise your taxes. And I'm going to use my veto pen to prevent them from doing so. (Applause.)

I appreciate your support for free trade. That's another controversial subject. I believe opening markets for American goods and services will help us remain a prosperous nation. I worry about protectionist sentiments in America that say, well, we don't particularly think we can pete, so let's just wall us off. I believe that would be a mistake for the United States of America. So I look forward to working with Cal and your organization to convince the Congress to pass important free trade agreements that we have negotiated with Peru and Colombia and Panama and South Korea.

The United States of America must understand that there are millions of potential customers around the world. And it makes sense to open up markets for U.S. goods and services, so that -- so we can pete on a level playing field. I want our cattlemen to understand that I spend a lot of time working to open up markets for U.S. beef around the world. I think it's good for agriculture to say, let's trade. And so we'll continue to press it. But I'm going to need your help convincing members of Congress that it's in the national interest to be confident about our capacity to pete, and it's in our national interest to make sure we have free and fair trade.

We're going to work together to secure the food supply. I think it's in the nation's interest to work to deal with childhood obesity. And I think it's in the nation's interest to expand investment in alternative energy sources. The reason why is, dependency on oil is not good for the United States of America. It's not good for economic security, nor is it good for national security. I really don't like to have our country in the position where if demand for oil goes up in the developing world, it causes your gasoline prices to go up. We shouldn't be in the position where if somebody decides to blow up a oil infrastructure in another country it causes your gasoline prices to go up.

And I also understand that alternative sources of energy will make us better stewards of the environment. And one way to bee less dependent on oil is to be able to grow products that empower our automobiles. And that's why I'm such a big believer in ethanol. I fully understand that folks out there are concerned about the price of corn. I hear from my hog-raising buddies that ethanol -- driving cars with corn is causing them to have trouble feeding their hogs. And that's why we're spending some of your money on new technologies that will enable us to use wood chips or switchgrass to be able to be the source for ethanol. It's called cellulosic ethanol.

You just got to know you're talking to -- you're listening to somebody -- you're not talking, you're listening -- (laughter) -- to somebody who has got great faith in the capacity of America to use technologies -- to develop technologies and use technologies to deal with significant problems, so long as the government makes it clear these are priorities. And I want to thank you for helping us on those issues. (Applause.)

Speaking about agriculture, this afternoon I'm going to name a new Secretary of Agriculture. I'm not going to tell you who it is, because I'm trying to -- (laughter) -- but I think you'll like him. He understands agriculture, of course, and he'll be a good follow-on to Mike Johanns, who did a superb job as the Secretary of Agriculture. And I'm going to ask the Senate, of course, to confirm this person as quickly as possible.

I do want to spend some time on health care. I'm fully aware that this is a topic that is of concern to you, as it should be. And it's a concern to all families across the country. It's a topic of heated debate here in Washington. And at the root of the debate is a philosophical disagreement over the direction American health care -- good people who have a different opinion on what we ought to be doing.

Here's my philosophy -- that government ought to trust private medicine; that we've got a fabulous health care system. Does it have issues? Sure, it's got issues. But when you pare it to other health care systems in the world, the United States has got a fabulous health care system. We got great docs, we've got wonderful new technologies. Our system is so good that many people from around the world like to e here to get treatment. The goal of a good health care system is not to weaken the health care system, but strengthen it; and a goal is to bring as many Americans as possible into the private system of health care. That ought to be a goal. And the reason why that ought to be a goal is because private coverage offers choice, which is good for consumers; flexibility, which is good for consumers; and quality of care that es from petition. Private coverage puts the medical decisions in the right hands, and that's between the patient and the doctor. And that's where the decisions in health care should be.

There's a different view in Washington. They believe -- those who have a different view believe that expanding federal control is the key to improving health care. Again, I repeat, these are good folks; they care about our country as much as I care about our country. They just have a different vision about how to deal with the health issues. At the center of their belief is that folks in Washington are in a -- the best position to decide which diseases should be treated, which procedures you can have, and which doctors you're allowed to see. That's the essence of federalization of health care. They believe that massive tax increases are the best way to fund their plans. The truth of the matter is, if you federalize health care, you're going to have to have a massive tax increase to pay for it.

For those who believe that, I would hope they would look around the world at other nations who have tried to nationalize their health care systems. I think what they would find is that socialized medicine has led to lower standards, longer waits, rationing of care. We've tried, by the way, here in Washington to have a -- to have a major effort, put the federal government square in the center of health care in 1994, and the legislation didn't pass. I believe many of the Democrats in Congress who supported that legislation have learned from the experience. So instead of pushing to federalize health care all at once, they're pushing for the same goal through a series of incremental steps. With each step, they want to bring America closer to a nationalized system where the government dictates the medical coverage for every citizen.

The strategy is to expand programs for senior citizens to include younger citizens, to expand programs for children to include adults, and to expand programs for the poor to include the middle class. I'm not making it up. I would remind you that some in Congress recently proposed to lower the eligibility age for Medicare, which would allow younger citizens onto the federal program. And we can now see the strategy clearly when you analyze the efforts to expand the State Children's Health Insurance Program -- that's the -- that's the issue I was going to talk to you about; SCHIP it's called.

SCHIP was created to provide coverage for poor and uninsured children whose parents make too much money to qualify for Medicaid. Let me make sure you understand the facts. When people say we're not providing money for poor children, they're overlooking the $35.5 billion a year of your money we spend on poor children through Medicaid. There is a robust program to make sure poor children in America get health care. And that's good. If you're poor and can't afford health care, that's a -- a good role of the government is to help you.

SCHIP was to help people who couldn't quite qualify for Medicaid to get help, and I supported the program. I supported the program as the governor of Texas, and I support the program as President of the United States. And that's why the budget I submitted this year increases SCHIP funding by 20 percent over five years. So you're looking at a supporter of the program. As a matter of fact, I sent a signal to Congress that if we need some more money to focus on poor children, we'll help them find the money, without raising your taxes.

And I said we got to make sure it stays focused on poor children because a half-a-million children who qualify for the program aren't on the program today. The program said, we're going to help poor children; there's a half-a-million children who qualify for the program who aren't enrolled. Now, it seems like to me it makes sense that the government ought to focus on enrolling those who qualify now and not expanding the program beyond its current reach.

But remember, the primary goal is to increase the federal reach into health care. So earlier this month they sent me a bill that would expand SCHIP far beyond its original purpose. Under the proposal that came to my desk, more than half the children in America could be eligible for government health care. In other words, by expanding eligibility, it means that more than half the children in America would bee eligible for this federal program. And to fund it they would raise taxes. That's bad health policy, as far as I'm concerned, it's bad tax policy, and it's going to take the country in the wrong direction.

And let me explain why. According to the Congress's own Budget Office, the bill Congress passed would lead one out of every three children who moves on to government coverage to drop private health insurance. The government provides incentives to join the federal program, and people go from private health care to government health care. That is the wrong direction if you believe that private medicine -- private health care is the best medicine possible for the American people.

Some of those children's parents that would be moving make nearly $62,000 a year. As a matter of fact, the bill I vetoed would raise eligibility in some places up to $83,000 a year. That's not poor. That's an indication that there's a strategy afoot to expand the federal reach into health care. In all, 2 million American children would move from private insurance to the government program, and at the same time, as I told you, some of the poorest children who are eligible for SCHIP may not be -- may still not be enrolled. And adults would still be on the children's program. In about seven states in America, they've used the SCHIP money -- they're spending more money on adults than they are on children. So adults would still be enrolled in the children's program. You might call that an extended trip to the fountain of youth. (Laughter.) And the taxes they're going to raise to pay for it would fall on the working people.

So that's why I vetoed the bill. I believe that private medicine is in the best interest of the country. That's the principle on which I'm operating, and when I got a bill that would undermine that principle, I vetoed it. And my veto was sustained. And then I put out the word to Congress, I'd like to work with you on a better bill. And unfortunately, the goodwill has not yet been returned.

I named three members of my administration to hold discussions with Congress, two Cabinet officials and a senior advisor. I said, here's three people that can speak for me; I'd like them to e up and sit down with you in good faith, to negotiate a way to make sure poor children get the help they need. Unfortunately, the leaders wouldn't meet with them, nor would their designated representatives. Instead, the House of Representatives made a few adjustments at the margins of the bill and passed it again.

Now, the bill has the same major flaws. It fails to cover poor children first, it shift [sic] children with private insurance onto the government rolls, and it uses taxpayers' dollars to subsidize middle class families, and finally it raises taxes. But to be fair, there is one part of the bill that leaders in Congress changed. Somehow they managed to make this version cost even more over the next five years than the last version. (Laughter.)

If Congress sends this bill back to me, I'm going to veto it again. They know this. I mean, they've made it -- I made it perfectly clear that if you keep passing this piece of legislation, I'm going to keep vetoing it -- unless, of course, it's a piece of legislation that focuses on poor children and does not expand the reach of the federal government into health care.

They also understand that the veto that was sustained in the House will be sustained again. And yet, incredibly enough, the Senate is going to debate this issue. I view this as a pure political exercise, and I urge the Senate not to waste time on a bill that they know I will veto and will be sustained. Whatever our differences, we need to keep the important program going. I understand that. No poor child should lose health care because of Washington, D.C. politics.

Philosophical divide isn't going to go away anytime soon, but there are some mon sense steps that Republicans and Democrats can do to help Americans who struggle with health care. There's some positive things that we can do. For example, Congress should expand innovative products known as health savings accounts, which allow people to pay lower insurance premiums, to save tax-free for routine medical expenses, and to be able to take such an account from job to job.

You know, a startling statistic is that if you're 30 years old, you probably have worked five, six, or seven jobs by the time you reach 30 -- this is a very mobile work force. And it seems like to me that we ought to have products that enable somebody to take their own insurance policy with them from job to job, and a health savings account is such a policy. And if you're a small business owner, I strongly urge you to take a look at health savings accounts for your employees.

Congress should pass association health plans, which enables small businesses to pool risk across jurisdictional boundaries, so you can buy insurance at the same discounts that large panies can. If Congress truly is worried about the rising cost of health care, they ought to enable small employers to pool risk; in other words, to be able to accumulate a large risk pool, so you can better afford insurance for your employees.

Congress should pass medical liability reform. These junk lawsuits are running good doctors out of practice and are running up the cost of your health care bills. And if they want to address the rising cost in health care they need to join me and pass substantive medical liability reform at the federal level.

When I first came to Washington, I said, well, maybe this isn't the proper federal role; we'll let the states handle it. And then when I became to analyze the cost to the federal government of these junk lawsuits I determined it was a federal role to do something about them. I mean, after all, we're a huge health care provider; we have Medicare, Medicaid, veterans' benefits, veterans' health care. Yet many of the doctors who we hire to provide services practice defensive medicine, so that if they get sued they got a case in the courthouse that can defend them. These junk lawsuits are running up the cost of medicine for you, and they're running up the cost of medicine for the federal government -- which is you. And if the Congress is seriously -- wants to do something seriously about solving this problem, they ought to pass medical liability reform now. (Applause.)

The amazing thing about health care, it's -- when it es to technology, they're light years behind a lot of America. Perhaps the best way to describe it is, is that we still got doctors handwriting files. They don't write very well to begin with, and files get lost. Health care ought to be using technology -- and the federal government, by the way, is insisting that that be the case with the people with whom we interface. And Congress ought to focus on spreading technology throughout health care. The dream is, is that all of us will have a -- our medical records on a little disk, a little chip that we can carry with us, that will be secure from prying eyes, but nevertheless, will be a part of wringing out cost inefficiencies in a industry that needs to have cost inefficiencies wrung out.

And finally, there ought to be more transparence. I mean, the whole purpose of reform is to have more consumerism in health care, not less, as a result of the federal government taking over the health care system. And in order to have consumerism there has to be transparency in pricing and quality of care. And the best way to encourage consumerism is to change the tax code.

Right now our tax code discriminates against people who are trying to buy and individual policy. If you work for corporate America you get a tax benefit. If you're on your own, you have to buy health insurance with after-tax money. And as a result of this discrepancy in the tax code, it is much harder for an individualized market to take root in America. And therefore, Congress ought to level the playing field for every American family, and to make sure that private medicine is enhanced by fairness in the tax code.

There are different opinions in Congress about which type of tax benefit would work the best -- a tax deduction, or a tax credit. Both of the proposals have their advantages, and either would be a lot better than federalizing health care in America. Taken together, the prehensive set of reforms I just outlined would do far more to reduce the ranks of the uninsured than SCHIP expansion would. They'd make private insurance more affordable for millions of Americans. And Congress, rather than passing legislation that's not going to pass -- not going to bee law, ought to focus on practical, mon-sense reforms.

Especially a bad time for Congress to stage political theater on health care because it's got a lot of other work to do in other areas. We're now 10 full months into 20, and the United States Congress has yet to pass a single one of the annual spending bills of the federal government. Considering how eager they are to spend your money, it's shocking it's taken so long to do so. (Laughter.) In fact, the leaders on Capitol Hill now hold a dubious record as the first United States Congress in 20 years that has failed to send a single annual appropriations bill to the President this late in the year. And time is running short. Members of Congress needs to pass these annual spending bills soon, one at a time.

They should start by sending me a clean bill to fund our veterans by Veterans Day. I feel a special obligation to make sure that our veterans get the full support of the federal government. And Congress needs to stop wasting time and get that VA bill to my desk. (Applause.) We have got troops in harm's way. And regardless of your opinion, or members of Congress' opinion, on this war they ought to put aside those opinions and focus on those troops and their families. Instead of playing politics on the floor of the House and the Senate, they need to pass the defense appropriations bill now to support the troops. (Applause.)

This SCHIP debate is an important debate because it's going to send an important signal as these other appropriations bills move through Congress. If we overspend and raise taxes on this bill, it's going to create a bad habit for the members of Congress. I think it's very important for people to understand that we can balance this budget and grow this economy if we're wise about how we spend your money, if we set priorities.

It's also important for members of Congress to understand, with federal revenues at an all-time high and the deficit declining, now is not the time to raise taxes. Running up the taxes on the American people would be bad for our economy; more importantly, it would be bad for American families. I want you to have more money, so you can make the decisions for your families and yourself that you think are necessary. I like it when the after-tax revenues -- ine are up. I think it's good for America that American families are able to save for their children's education, or small businesses have more money to invest. And the surest way to dilute that spirit of entrepreneurship is to run your taxes up. And that's why I'm going to use my veto pen to prevent people from doing it. (Applause.)

You know, we're living during challenging times. I view -- but I view these as exciting times, as well. I genuinely do. I think we're laying the foundation of peace for your children and grandchildren. I know it's necessary to do the hard work now so the first chapters of the 21st century will be positive chapters.

I firmly believe that the spread of liberty is going to make it such that when people look back at this period of time, they say, thank God America had faith in certain values, certain fundamental truths. And one of those truths is that there is an Almighty, and a gift of that Almighty to every man, woman and child is freedom. And another historical truth is freedom yields the peace we want. And at home, freedom for people to invest and to make choices is important for a hopeful America. Government must trust the American people. We must trust the American people with your money; we must trust the American people as you make important decisions in health care; and we must trust the American people to continue to be the passionate people that we are.

It's an honor to represent you. May God bless you and may God continue to bless our country. (Applause.)

END 11:25 A.M. EDT

国民出境进境筦理法(附英文) - 中英對炤


【標題】 中華人民共和國公民出境入境筦理法(附英文)
【發佈單位】 全國人大常委會

目 錄
第一章 總則
第两章 出境
第三章 入境
第四章 筦理機關
第五章 處罰
第六章 附則

第一章 總 則
第一條 為保障中國公民收支中國國境的噹權利和好处,促進國際来往,特制订本法。
第二條 中國公民憑國務院主筦機關及其授權的機關簽發的有傚護炤或者其他有傚証件出境、入境,無需辦理簽証。
第三條 中國公民出境、入境,從對外開放的或者指定的港口通行,接收邊防檢查機關的檢查。
第四條 中國公民出境後,不得有迫害祖國保险、榮譽和好处的行為。
第二章 出 境
第五條 中國公民因俬事出境,向戶口地点地的市、縣公安機關提出申請,除本法第八條規定的景象外,皆能够获得批准。
第六條 中國国民果公務出境,由差遣部門背交际部或交际部授權的天中事部門申請辦理出境証件。
第七條 海員因執行任務出境,由港務監督侷或者港務監督侷授權的港務監督辦理出境証件。
第八條 有以下情况之一的,不核准出境:
第九條 有下列景遇之一的,邊防檢查機關有權禁止出境,並依法處理:
第三章 入 境
第十一條 进境假寓或者工作的中國公民,入境後應噹按炤戶心筦理規定,辦理常住戶口登記。进境暫住的,應噹按炤戶口筦理規定辦理暫住登記。
第四章 筦理機關
第十三條 公安部、外交部、港務監督侷和原發証機關,各自對其發出的或者其授權的機關發出的護炤和証件,有權吊銷或者宣佈作廢。
第五章 處 罰
第六章 附 則
第十七條 中國公民往來喷鼻港地區或者澳門地區的筦理辦法,由國務院有關部門另行制訂。
第十八條 在同中國毗鄰國傢交界邊地步區寓居的中國公民臨時出境、入境,有兩國之間協議的,按炤協議執行,沒有協議的按炤中國当局的規定執行。
第十九條 公安部、外交部、交通部依据本法拟定實施細則,報國務院批准实施。
第二十條 本法自一九八六年仲春一日起实行。
Important Notice: (留神事項)
英文根源自中華人民共和國務院法制侷編, 中國法造出书社出书的《中華人民共和國涉外法規匯編》(年代版).
噹發死歧意時, 應以法令法規頒佈單位發佈的中文本文為准.
This nglish document is ing from "LAWS AND RGULATIONS OF TH
(.)which is piled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of
the StateCouncil of the People's Republic of China, and is published
by the ChinaLegal System Publishing House.In case of discrepancy,
the original version in Chinese shall prevail.
Whole Document (法規全文)
(Adopted at the th Meeting of the Standing mittee of theSixth
National People's Congress, promulgated by Order No. of the
President of the People's Republic of China on November , ,
effective as of February , )
Chapter I General Provisions
Chapter II xit from the Country
Chapter III ntry into the Country
Chapter IV Administrative Organs
Chapter V Penalties
Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
Chapter I General Provisions
This Law is formulated with a view to safeguarding the legitimate
rights and interests of Chinese citizens with respect to their exit
from and entry into China's territory and to promoting international
Chinese citizens may leave or enter the country with valid passports
or other valid certificates issued by the petent departments of
the State Council or other departments authorized by them. They
shall not be required to apply for visas.
For exit and entry, Chinese citizens shall pass through open ports
other designated ports and shall be subject to inspection by the
frontier inspection offices.
After leaving the country, Chinese citizens may not mit any act
harmful to the security, honour or interests of their country.
Chapter II xit from the Country
Chinese citizens who desire to leave the country for private
shall apply to the public security organs of the city or county in
which their residence is registered. Approval shall be granted
except in cases prescribed in Article of this Law. The public
security organs shall decide, within a specified time, whether to
approve or disapprove the citizens' applications for leaving the
country for private purposes, and shall notify the applicants
In the case of Chinese citizens leaving the country on official
business, the units sending them abroad shall apply to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs or the local foreign affairs department
authorized by the ministry for the citizens' exit certificates and
acquire the certificates for them.
In the case of seamen leaving the country to perform their duties,
the Bureau of Harbour Superintendence or a harbour superintendent
authorized by the bureau shall acquire the exit certificates for
Approval to exit from the country shall not be granted to persons
belonging to any of the following categories:
() defendants in criminal cases or criminal suspects confirmed by a
public security organ, a people's procuratorate or a people's court;
() persons who, as notified by a people's court, shall be denied
exit owing to involvement in unresolved civil cases;
() convicted persons serving their sentences;
() persons undergoing rehabilitation through labour; and
() persons whose exit from the country will, in the opinion of the
petent department of the State Council, be harmful to state
security or cause a major loss to national interests.
The frontier inspection offices shall have the power to stop persons
belonging to any of the following categories from leaving the
country and to deal with them according to law:
() holders of invalid exit certificates;
() holders of exit certificates other than their own; and
() holders of forged or altered exit certificates.
Chapter III ntry into the Country
Chinese citizens residing abroad who desire to return to China for
permanent residence shall plete the relevant procedures at the
Chinese diplomatic missions, consular offices or other agencies
located abroad that are authorized by the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, or at the public security organs of the relevant provinces,
autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central
After their entry into China, Chinese citizens who have e for
permanent residence or employment shall register for prolonged
residence in accordance with the provisions for the administration
of residence. Those who have entered for a temporary stay shall
register for temporary residence in accordance with the same
Chapter IV Administrative Organs
Passports for Chinese citizens going abroad on official business
shall be issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or by the local
foreign affairs departments authorized by the ministry. Seamen's
papers shall be issued by the Bureau of Harbour Superintendence or a
harbour superintendent authorized by the bureau. Passports for
Chinese citizens going abroad for private purposes shall be issued
by the Ministry of Public Security or by local public security
organs authorized by the ministry. Passports and certificates which
Chinese citizens apply for abroad shall be issued by the Chinese
diplomatic missions, consular offices or other agencies located
abroad authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Bureau of Harbour Superintendence and other agencies that issue
passports and certificates shall have the power to cancel passports
and certificates issued by them or by their authorized agencies, or
to declare such passports and certificates invalid.
Chapter V Penalties
Any person who, in violation of the provisions of this Law, leaves
enters the country illegally, forges or alters an exit or entry
certificate, uses another person's certificate as his own or
transfers his certificate may be given a warning or placed in
detention for not more than ten days by a public security organ. If
the circumstances of the case are serious enough to constitute a
crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance
with the Law.
If a citizen subject to the penalty of detention by a public
organ refuses to accept the penalty, he may, within days of
receiving notification, appeal to the public security organ at the
next higher level, which shall make the final decision; he may also
directly file suit in the local people's court.
Where a state functionary charged with implementing this Law takes
advantage of his position and power to extort and accept bribes, he
shall be punished according to the Criminal Law of the People's
Republic of China and the Decision of the Standing mittee of the
National People's Congress Regarding the Severe Punishment of
Criminals Who Seriously Undermine the conomy. If he has mitted
any other act involving violation of the Law and dereliction of duty
which is serious enough to constitute a crime, his criminal
responsibility shall be investigated according to the relevant
provisions of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China.
Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
Control measures governing Chinese citizens' travels to and from the
Hong Kong or the Macao region shall be separately formulated by the
relevant departments of the State Council.
Transistory exit from and entry into China by Chinese citizens
residing in areas bordering on a neighbouring country shall be
handled according to any relevant agreements between the two
countries or, in the absence of such agreements, according to the
relevant provisions of the Chinese Government. The exit and entry of
crews of transnational trains, crews of civil aviation planes
operating international flights and the railway functionaries
working in China's border areas shall be handled according to
relevant agreements and provisions.
The Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
the Ministry of munications shall, pursuant to this Law,
formulate rules for its implementation, which shall go into effect
after being submitted to and approved by the State Council.
This Law shall go into effect as of February , .
