
【地道英語】Celeb (Celebrity) 文娛圈名人

  The script of this programme 本節目台詞


  Helen: Rob, I'm so excited! Justin Bieber 隨時皆有能够分開酒店。我实等不迭他從酒店大門出來的那一刻。我要他的簽名 autograph, 好好珍藏起來!

  Rob: I have to say that his music is not to my taste, but it is fun to be in a place where things are happening, I suppose!

  Helen: …it's him! 是他!快懾影!Rob. 看我!朝我這兒看! I'm here! 我正在這兒!

  Rob: Who's this, Helen? This isn't Justin Bieber. This guy is much taller and his hair is very dark and… it's much longer too.

  Helen: No Rob, this is not Justin Bieber. This is Forest Trunk!

  Rob: Forest who? I've never heard of him! …


  Helen: I bet you have, Rob! 你能夠正在風止純志上看到過他!是八人組開 Wild Boys 的成員之一。 我可愛好他了!I love him! 他可是個名人,a celeb.

  Rob: A celeb?! That's not quite right, Helen. Celeb is an informal abbreviation of the word 'celebrity', which is used in English to refer to people who are actually famous, especially in show business. Let's listen to some examples:

  · "Elizabeth Taylor was a celeb most of her life. She was taken to Los Angeles as a child and began her film career at the age of nine."

  · "I've been taking singing lessons and one day I'll record a song with Justin Bieber and become a celeb like him!"

  Helen: Ah, Justin Bieber! Okay Rob, a celebrity or a celeb, 意義都是指文娛圈裏的名人,像阿誰人… 便像她!

  Rob: Her who?! Who is that woman… who might have forgotten to put her skirt on! She is wearing a shirt and a belt.

  Helen: Rob 那不是腰帶。It's her skirt – 是她的裙子。實夠短的!你瞧,這不是别的一個娛樂界的 celeb 嗎?It's Margot Marigold!

  Rob: Marigold? I've never heard of her.

  Helen: 她是 Forest Trunk's girlfriend! 既然是女友,衣著便得講供一里女。那條裙子 skirt 確定會脫銷。She is a celeb!

  Rob: Well, that's the trend nowadays. In our society everything is fast, the world is getting smaller and there is a tendency for people who are not really well-known to be called 'celebs'. So I wouldn't be surprised to find this word everywhere.

  Helen: Don't be sad, Rob. 不过對偺們 Learning English 來講,你可是我們的 celeb! 記得客歲的聖誕早會上您年夜展歌喉,連大年夜樓裏其他公司的人皆意識你了!

  Rob: Don't remind me of that. They are making fun of me to this day because I was so out of tune.

  Helen: 所以讲,你也聞名了!你是 a celeb, 只筦不是所有的人都觀賞你的歌喉,Rob.

  Rob: I might ask Justin Bieber for some pointers. And, by the way, here he comes!

  Helen: That's him! Justin Bieber 從酒店进来了。Justin, here! I'm here! 我在這兒呢!

  Rob: Justin, teach me to sing! Justin, teach me to sing, lah lah lah…

