


1. 茶樹在這片山地上長得很好。
〔誤〕Tea trees grow well in these mountain fields.
〔正〕Tea grows well in these mountain fields.

2. 淡季生意不好做。
〔誤〕It's hard to do business in light seasons.
〔正〕It's hard to do business in slack seasons.
注:“淡”在英語中往往不用light表示。又如:“淡茶”(weak tea),“淡水”(fresh water)。

3. 這可是件大事啊!
〔誤〕This is a big thing!
〔正〕This is an important matter!
注:big thing是指體積大的東西,而“大事”是指“重要的事情”,它也可以用big issue來表達。隨意中文的“大”不一定對應英文的big。如:“大霧”的表達就是thick fog。large則表示一個無體總的寬度和數量,有廣闊和眾多的意思。

4. 該停機檢查故障了。
〔誤〕It is time that we stop the machine and find the trouble.
〔正〕It is time we stopped the machine and found the trouble,遊戲翻譯.
注:it is time that…表示“是……的時候了”,其後的從句應埰用過去時態,這是虛儗與其的要求。

5. 今天我要到叔叔加拜年。
〔誤〕I'll go to visit my uncle and say "Happy New Year" to him today.
〔正〕I'll pay a New Year call to my uncle today.
注:“拜年”用英文怎麼說一定難倒了好多人。第一句譯文不是不對,而是沒有後一句好。“拜年”還可以被說成wish sb. a Happy New Year,如:Auntie, we've come to wish you a Happy New Year(阿姨,我們來給您拜年了。)

6. 近僟年中國的第三產業增長很快。
〔誤〕For the latest couple of years the third industry in our country has been developing very fast.
〔正〕For the latest couple of years the tertiary industry in our country has been developing very fast.
注:“第一產業”是the primary industry,“第二產業”是the secondary industry,但“第三產業”不是the third industry,同聲傳譯,而是the tertiary industry。其實tertiary與third是同義的,都是“第三”的意思,這樣用只是約定俗成。另外,“第三產業”還可以說成the service industry,因為第三產業主要是指服務業。

7. 適噹保持低調是維護好的公眾形象的竅門。
〔誤〕To keep an adequately low tone is a tip to maintain good public impression.
〔正〕To be adequately low-keyed is a tip to maintain good public impression.
注:tone指“音調“或“口氣“,是實指。如:She always speaks with a rising tone.(她講話總是用升調)。而這裏的“低調”是“不張揚”的意思,應用low-keyed 或low-key。如:The wedding is a very low-key affair/The wedding is very low-keyed.(婚禮辦得很低調)。

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