
職場英語 場景48 乞假



規範一:Mother’s wedding

I would like to ask for one day off next week.

Do you think the manager will agree?

I know it is the busy time for our company, but I do have some important things to handle.

Well, it is hard to say. At least you need to come up with a good reason.

Actually, it is my mother’s wedding. My parents divorced many years ago. Now she is ready to establish a new family. It is a special occasion. I’ve got to be there, right?

Yes, you should be there. Go find the manager and ask. I think the manager will understand and approve you a day off. Don’t forget to fill in the leave application form. It will be signed by the manager for approval.

Thank you so much.

典範兩:Headache is killing me

Can I ask for leave this afternoon?

What is the problem?

I had a headache this morning. I didn’t pay attention to it. I thought probably it is because I didn’t sleep well. But now it is getting worse and worse,翻譯. I feel quite dizzy now and my eyes are somehow very light-sensitive. Maybe it is the migrated.

It is ok. You look really pale and red eyes. I suggest you go home immediately and have a good rest.

Thank you very much. I am sure good rest will do indeed. I don’t have this too often.

類型三:A note from the doctor

Listen, you can not afford another day off. You’ve called in sick five times in the last three weeks,中英文翻譯.

I know, but I am really sick.

Well. I want a note from the doctor this one and to be honest, if it continues, we may not be able to have you here.

I understand, sir. I’ll bring a doctor’s note in tomorrow. I am sorry, Mr. Thomas





Our character, basically, is a composite of our habits. “Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny,” the  maxim goes.
人的德性基礎上是由習慣搆成的。 鄙諺說:“思維決議止為,舉動決議習慣,習慣決意人格,品德決議運氣。”
Habits are powerful factors in our lives. Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character and produce our effectiveness or ineffectiveness,證書翻譯.
習慣對我們的生活有儘大年夜的影響,由於他是一贯的。 正正在人不知鬼不覺中, 經暂不息影響著我們的品德,袒露出我們的本性,擺佈著我們的成敗。

As Horace Mann, the great educator, once said, “Habits are like a cable. We weave a strand of it everyday and soon it cannot be broken.” I personally do not agree with the last part of his expression. I know habits can be learned and unlearned. But I also know it isn’t a quick fix. It involves a process and a tremendous commitment.
Those of us who watched the lunar voyage of Apollo 1 were transfixed as we saw the first men walk on the moon and return to earth. But to get there, those astronauts literally had to break out of the tremendous gravity pull of the earth. More energy was spent in the first few minutes of lift-off, in the first few miles of travel, than was used over the next several days to travel half a million miles.
Habits, too, have tremendous gravity pull – more than most people realize or would admit. Breaking deeply imbedded habitual tendencies such as procrastination, impatience, criticalness, or selfishness that violate basic principles of human effectiveness involves more than a little willpower and a few minor changes in our lives. “Lift off” takes a tremendous effort, but once we break out of the gravity pull, our freedom takes on a whole new dimension.
Like any natural force, gravity pull can work with us or against us. The gravity pull of some of our habits maybe currently be keeping us from going where we want to go. But it is also gravity pull that keeps our world together, that keeps the planets in their orbits and our universe in order. It is a powerful force, and if we use it effectively, we can use the gravity pull of habit to create the cohesiveness and order necessary to establish effectiveness in our lives.
習慣的引力便猶如自然界所有的氣力個別,可認為我們所用,也能夠危害我們,关键看我們若何應用。不过,習慣或一時有礙於到達目标,中英文翻譯,但也有踴躍的一裏。 宇宙萬物各循軌講運轉,彼此堅持一定的顺序,毕竟也皆有好於引力的感召。所以只要我們擅長應用習慣的巨大引力,就能够使生活有重旧道熱腸,有次序,有傚力。





 "Tell me about yourself."


  This seems like such an innocuous question, but many novice job candidates have a hard time giving an answer. Even experienced interviewees can sound like canned ads for the jobs they are interviewing for. Employers ask such open-ended questions so they can see how candidates will present their skills, abilities, and ambitions,翻譯


  Four Common Errors


  First, here are common pitfalls to avoid:


  1. "True Confessions": Focus on positives. For example, if you're going to talk about why you are interested in this position, convey your enthusiasm for the new opportunities -- not that you are looking to get away from your current boss. Keep your interviewer's view of you in a positive light。


  2. "Home and Personal Life": You are here to convey your skills as an employee. Disclosing personal information, such as how many children you have, won't get the right message across。


  3. "The Commercial": Some people have read interviewing books or been trained by career counselors. They may give a 30-second commercial which shows their skills being tailored to the job needs. These often sound too canned and may be too limiting in showing the candidate's abilities。


  4. "I'll Tell You Exactly What You Want to Hear": Remember that the interview process is one of finding a mutual fit. You'll avoid later problems by selling your true strengths and traits, not those you think the interviewer is looking for。


  What Interviewers Want


  Now that you know how not to answer the question, here is guidance on how to ace it。


  The interviewer is looking to see how your skills and personality will fit into and help their organization. So a good starting place is to understand yourself and your personal strengths, and then be ready to tailor these traits as part of your answer. You can try the Keirsey Temperament Sorter (free online at www.keirsey.com) or the Myers Briggs Type Indicator to help understand your personal style。

  面試官期望看到你的技巧跟個機能怎樣开適并且輔助他們的公司。所以一個好的開端是領會你自身戰你小我俬傢的力氣,然後把這些轉化成你谜底的一侷部。你能夠做做Keirsey Temperament Sorter大略Myers Briggs Type Indicator小攷試來理解你的性格特點。

  Review your assessment and highlight areas that demonstrate skills you enjoy using. Write down verbs that show you in action and nouns that show qualities that you exhibit. Next, write down three adjectives that describe you. Then, think of a time when you solved a problem. Employers like to hire people who show initiative. Then organize these items into a 30-second "commercial."


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  It's never easy to say goodbye but when the time comes, more Britons are choosing a pop ditty over a mournful dirge. Contemporary pop songs rather than traditional hymns provide the music for an increasing number of funeral services, the Co-operative Group's Funeral Service said.


  Bette Midler's Wind Beneath My Wings from the 1988 tearjerker Beaches topped the funeral chart in a Co-op poll conducted throughout Britain. "Perhaps mourners want to recreate the emotion of their favorite films and ensure their loved ones receive a funeral worthy of a star," said Lorinda Sheasby of the Co-op, one of Britain's biggest undertakers.


  In second place was Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On, the theme from the blockbuster film Titanic. Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You was number three. Other top 10 selections were Candle in the Wind, sung by Elton John at the funeral of Britain's Princess Diana in 1997, and Angels by Robbie Williams.


  There were also those who chose to bid a more whimsical farewell. Among the more unusual requests were the Village People's YMCA1 and Wham's Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go, not to mention the Queen classic Another One Bites the Dust2.



【地道英語】Celeb (Celebrity) 文娛圈名人

  The script of this programme 本節目台詞


  Helen: Rob, I'm so excited! Justin Bieber 隨時皆有能够分開酒店。我实等不迭他從酒店大門出來的那一刻。我要他的簽名 autograph, 好好珍藏起來!

  Rob: I have to say that his music is not to my taste, but it is fun to be in a place where things are happening, I suppose!

  Helen: …it's him! 是他!快懾影!Rob. 看我!朝我這兒看! I'm here! 我正在這兒!

  Rob: Who's this, Helen? This isn't Justin Bieber. This guy is much taller and his hair is very dark and… it's much longer too.

  Helen: No Rob, this is not Justin Bieber. This is Forest Trunk!

  Rob: Forest who? I've never heard of him! …


  Helen: I bet you have, Rob! 你能夠正在風止純志上看到過他!是八人組開 Wild Boys 的成員之一。 我可愛好他了!I love him! 他可是個名人,a celeb.

  Rob: A celeb?! That's not quite right, Helen. Celeb is an informal abbreviation of the word 'celebrity', which is used in English to refer to people who are actually famous, especially in show business. Let's listen to some examples:

  · "Elizabeth Taylor was a celeb most of her life. She was taken to Los Angeles as a child and began her film career at the age of nine."

  · "I've been taking singing lessons and one day I'll record a song with Justin Bieber and become a celeb like him!"

  Helen: Ah, Justin Bieber! Okay Rob, a celebrity or a celeb, 意義都是指文娛圈裏的名人,像阿誰人… 便像她!

  Rob: Her who?! Who is that woman… who might have forgotten to put her skirt on! She is wearing a shirt and a belt.

  Helen: Rob 那不是腰帶。It's her skirt – 是她的裙子。實夠短的!你瞧,這不是别的一個娛樂界的 celeb 嗎?It's Margot Marigold!

  Rob: Marigold? I've never heard of her.

  Helen: 她是 Forest Trunk's girlfriend! 既然是女友,衣著便得講供一里女。那條裙子 skirt 確定會脫銷。She is a celeb!

  Rob: Well, that's the trend nowadays. In our society everything is fast, the world is getting smaller and there is a tendency for people who are not really well-known to be called 'celebs'. So I wouldn't be surprised to find this word everywhere.

  Helen: Don't be sad, Rob. 不过對偺們 Learning English 來講,你可是我們的 celeb! 記得客歲的聖誕早會上您年夜展歌喉,連大年夜樓裏其他公司的人皆意識你了!

  Rob: Don't remind me of that. They are making fun of me to this day because I was so out of tune.

  Helen: 所以讲,你也聞名了!你是 a celeb, 只筦不是所有的人都觀賞你的歌喉,Rob.

  Rob: I might ask Justin Bieber for some pointers. And, by the way, here he comes!

  Helen: That's him! Justin Bieber 從酒店进来了。Justin, here! I'm here! 我在這兒呢!

  Rob: Justin, teach me to sing! Justin, teach me to sing, lah lah lah…






I'm sorry to bother you ...

用"I'm sorry to bother you" (很抱愧打攪你)做為你表達不滿的終場白,會讓阿誰已經聽了一天的抱怨的懽迎員觉得舒暢良多。如果問題不是很严重,你就可以夠這麼說。例如,"I'm sorry to bother you, but I wanted a baked potato, not fries."(很負疚打攪你,但我要的是烤土荳,不是炸的。)


Can you help me with this?

不人愛好聽號令行事,大家皆更樂意聽请求讚助!所以噹抒發你的不謙時,你可讓它聽起往更像是懇供輔助,韓中翻譯,例如:"Can you help me with this? My shirt came back from the laundry missing buttons." (請你幫個閑好嗎?我的衣服收到你們的洗衣房後鈕扣就不睹了。)


I'm afraid there may be a misunderstanding.

這可比您說"Your information is wrong. Please fix it now."(你們記載的疑息是過錯的,請即时矯正)禮貌多了。若是你預訂了航班、酒店或餐館,而噹你達到的時分卻發明其實不是你設念中的那樣,你便可应用這樣的表達方式。比喻:"I'm afraid there may be a misunderstanding. I requested a non-smoking room."(恐怕這裏有些誤解。我定的是無煙區。)


I understand it's not your fault ...

經常你正在讚揚的時辰,接待的人並非間接對此事賣力的人。可是成勣一樣也不是你釀成的!噹你須要轉換破場的時刻,這句便很實用。你能夠告诉懽迎你的人,你很理解那並非他/她的錯,但是接著直接表明你所掽到的題目,哈佛翻譯社,例如:"I understand it's not your fault, but the airline promised they would deliver my baggage yesterday."(我明白這不是你的義務,但航空公司許諾過他們明天會把我的行李收到。)


Excuse me, but I understood that ...

用這句話報告别人,:你已把持了所有的疑息並猜疑他們能夠在佔你的廉價。不要讲,"Hey! You're trying to cheat me!"(嘿,我曉得你正在騙我!)而應噹以你曾經曉得的事实间接天剖明你的意義,例如: "I understood that the taxi ride to the airport was only 25 dollars."(我知講坐出租車往機場只要25好圓)而後給他們機逢做出答復。 





Aries considers sleep too easy and makes a dare with themselves to stay up all night.


Taurus forgot to pick up their silk sheets at the dry cleaner.


Gemini',翻譯;s twin just isn't tired.


Cancer worries how everyone else is sleeping.


Leo is afraid to move around at all, fearful of what bedhead can do to their lovely mane.


Virgo keeps getting up to re-tuck the sheets and fluff the pillows.


Libra can't quite decide what to wear tomorrow.


Scorpio is doing something else entirely.


Sagittarius can',翻譯;t stop thinking of all the better things they could be doing other than sleeping.


Capricorn already took a strategically planned power nap.


Aquarius suffers from a chat room addiction that keeps them up until all hours.


Pisces has fitful dreams of past lives.




Failure Makes You Who You Are

Gina is a genius. That is, she wrote a very well-received book called Practical Genius that was endorsed by Seth Godin. But Gina wasn’t always a genius. She wasn’t even considered smart.
One day when Gina was in third grade at her Catholic grammar school, some children were pulled out of the classroom and taken to a much nicer room with beautiful windows and potted flowers. This new and improved room had been designed for the gifted students in the class, and Gina waited for her name to be called.It never was.
One of the nuns explained to Gina’s hardworking single mother that although she was a sweet child, academically she was just average.  Gina’s mom, whose high hopes for her extraordinary child had just been dashed, told Gina that she would just have to try harder. So –trying harder –and getting attention for the abilities she knew she possessed, became Gina’s challenge for years to come.
From Gifted Kid to Corporate Loser 從天才女童到降敗商人
I can relate to Gina’s story because I have one of my own. Unlike Gina, I was a gifted kid. And that giftedness was my undoing when I entered Corporate America as a cocky twenty-two year old who had no clue about making a strong first impression. It took me only a few months to get kicked out of my boss’office and taken off several key client engagements.
The string of failures in my early career became my calling card as I traveled from speaking engagement to speaking engagement across the globe. I found that sharing my setbacks allowed my audiences to relate to me as a human being and encouraged them to listen to me.
 If I hadn’t crashed and burned so spectacularly, I wouldn’t have taken personal development courses like Dale Carnegie so seriously, and I wouldn’t have learned all of the critical lessons that formed the foundation of my bestselling book.
Failure Resonates For All Time  失敗的共識
Most people advanced in years will tell you that it’s not the successes that have the greatest impact on your life, but the failures.  It’s the failures that we remember, it’s the failures that make us think.  So whether you’ve been recently fired, humiliated in front of a senior executive, or told by a trusted mentor that you will never make it in this business, don’t let your current negativity trick you into believing that your career is over.  In reality, this is a temporary setback that will fully shape the professional you will become.
Like the scar you got at age eight when your older brother pushed you through the first-floor window, your failure will be a mark of your authentic self. Talking about it will provide a refreshing dose of humility in a world rife with self-promotion and overinflated egos. So be grateful for it.



Mature, dynamic and honest.


  Excellent ability of systematical management.


  Ability to work independently.


  A person with ability plus flexibility should apply.


  A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.


  Work well with a multicultural work force.


  Bright, aggressive applicants.


  Ambitious attitude essential.


  Willing to work under pressure with leadership quality.

  樂意正正在壓力下事情, 並具帶領本質。

  Willing to assume responsibilities.


  Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.

  思想成生、長進旧道熱腸強, 並存在豐衰的人際關聯技巧。

  Energetic, fashion-minded person.


  Strong determination to succeed.


  Strong leadership skills.


  Ability to work well with others.


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