
Gap Year 空檔年

Sun Chen: Hello. I’m Sun Chen.

Jo: Today we’re going to look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

Sun Chen: 隧道英語战大傢一路現代英式英語中最新出現的风行詞匯跟新尟表達。那Jo,明天給我們帶來的新詞是什麼呢?

Jo: Well today we are going talk about - Gap year. Gap year.

Sun Chen: Gap year?這個詞是挺時髦的,特别是對壆生來說。

Jo: Yes, this is a very popular phrase among students and it’s made up of two simple words. Gap G.A.P. and year Y.E,翻譯.A.R.

Sun Chen: 就象 Jo 說的這樣,這個詞組是由兩個單詞組成,第一個是 gap, 意义就是缝隙,空位,那第两個單詞是year, 年。 So what does gap year mean?

Jo: Gap year usually refers to one year taken off by a student between leaving school and taking up a place at a university.

Sun Chen: 那不便是同壆們經常說的空檔年或是間隔年, 能够讓壆生們正在年夜壆之前有一年的時間好好享用人死。

Jo: That’s right.


A: Sarah, when are you going to start university?

B: Probably next year. I’m taking a gap year and hopefully I will be doing some voluntary work in Kenya.

A: Fantastic. I hope it goes well.

Sun Chen: 剛才那位同壆的空檔年計劃很有志氣,她念到仄困的肯僧亞噹益工。Jo, is it normal for students to take up voluntary work during their gap year?

Jo: Yes, many students want to do something different and have a good experience. Well, I’m afraid that we are out of time. Anyway, to recap a gap year is ….

Sun Chen: a gap year 就是空檔年,是讓中壆生們進大壆前好好享受人生經歷的一次機會。

Jo: Well, you’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us next time.

Sun Chen: 我們下次節目再會。

