




































  A Blooming Tree
  Hu Yongfang (胡永芳譯)

  May Buddha let us meet
  in my most beautiful hours,
  I have prayed for it
  for five hundred years.

  Buddha made me a tree
  by the path you may take,
  In full blossoms I'm waiting in the sun
  every flower carrying my previous hope.

  As you are near, listen carefully
  the quivering leaves are my waiting zeal,
  As you pass by the tree
  without noticing me,
  My friend, upon the ground behind you
  is not the fallen petals but my withered heart.

夜貓子的生涯:A night owl

記得前僟天跟Grace聊天,中間說到過 “夜貓子”,馬上問她英文中這個詞怎麼表達。她告訴我不晓得確切的說法是什麼。

正好明天看聯开早報,發現本來 “夜貓子” 能够被叫做A night owl。興奮!!


All night long: 整夜

e.g. Some stores stay open all night long.(一些商铺彻夜營業。)

Call it a day: 一天工做完畢

e.g. Every day, we have class from 9am and will call it a day at 4.30pm.(天天,我們9點上課,到下战书4點,一切的課就結束了。)

Day in day out: 日復一日

e.g. Henry wears the same old jeans day in day out.(Henry天天皆穿统一條舊牛仔。)

At the dead of night: 深夜

e.g. I worked at the dead of night yesterday.(今天我事情到深夜。)

A night owl: 遲遲不睡者 (應該便是夜貓子吧)

e.g. He was a night owl before he entered the university.(他進年夜壆前,是個夜貓子。)





Directions: For this part ,your are allowed 30 minutes to write a position on the topic Trying to Be A Good University Student .You should write at least 100 words and you should base your position on the outline (given in Chinese ) below :


二 確定主題句

It is very necessary to be a good university student . (議論體的主題句)
There are several respects of necessities to be a good university student .(說明體的主題句)
What I will do in the future is the following .(描述體主題句)

Good Health

Importance of good health
Ways to keep fit
My own practice

It is very important to have good health .(將名詞 importance變成描述詞important)
There are four ways to keep fit for me .(用 there be 句型)


我的分數觀--下中英語演講稿 - 英語演講

My Attitude towards to Marks 我的分數觀

For our students, marks is above everything. Teachers will judge us from our marks. With marks we can be enrolled into junior middle schools. With marks, we can be enrolled into senior middle schools. With marks we can be enrolled into college. With marks we can be enrolled into postgraduate and doctrine studies. Still with marks we can be graded and be allowed to go abroad for further studies. Our parents will be strict with us with the marks. Our society judge us from marks. However, sometimes we students pare one another with marks directly. We are pletely controlled by marks. We like them and we feel sorry for them. But what attitude towards our marks should we take?
Truly, marks functions cannot be underestimated. In terms of test in our study, marks are fair and real. That is the reason why we say "Everyone is equal before marks. "
However, I think marks are the sole standard to judge the success or failure of students in exams. Sometimes, marks more than ten or less than one or two in our exams paring with others mean not everything. The success or failure in exams will be influenced by experience on the spot and the examinee's health etc. Once in a while one cannot fail in exams. " Success or failure is mon sense for military. " I think everyone is familiar with the famous saying. Don't you think such will be the case with our study? In exams, one cannot be " never-defeated general" . Even though one will be very good in everyday study, he cannot succeed in every exam sometimes. We can get proof from the fact that the very best one we call "Number One Scholar" in the entrance exams for college and ordinary middle school and specialized secondary school over the years is not eminent above all others nor top student in every study.
As a matter of fact, "high marks" and "ability" are not unified. Some time ago, a new phrase " high marks but poor petence" came into being. Once I happened to meet such a teacher as this .It is said that the teacher just graduated from a far-famed key university. But his teaching result is much less than that of the one who just graduated from a not-well-renowned college. When lecturing, the teacher only repeated what the text-books says, which was very dull so the his students' interest in learning was not aroused. His teaching was short of unity of teaching and learning. At present there is a fact that we know a few brilliant and top college graduates are not qualified for their posts. The reason for it may be lack of the ability to bine knowledge learnt from books with pragmatics in their work. Students of this kind will be successful in every exam but they will be able to use freely their knowledge in their posts. Don't you think it waste training such persons for the country?
To sum up from the above, I can say marks are not absolutely authoritative for some. If we neglect training and developing the students' ability and petence and if we only seek for the high marks, we will be absolutely wrong. We should take an objective attitude towards the marks. Neither should we neglect them nor should we overvalue them like a God.



President Bush Weles the 2006 NBA Champion Miami Heat to - 英語演講

February 27, 20

3:52 P,中韓互譯.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Please be seated. It is such a joy to wele the NBA champs, the Miami Heat, to the White House. Glad you're here. (Applause.) This is the Miami Heat's first NBA championship. I congratulate you on a tremendous achievement, even though you beat a Texas team. (Laughter.)

I can assure you, however, then Governor Bush, the Governor of Florida, was thrilled, as were a lot of Florida fans. We've got a lot of members of the congressional delegation -- (applause.) We got your Senator here. (Applause.) We got Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen, Alcee Hastings, Robert Wexler, Ander Crenshaw, Jeff Miller, Kendrick Meek, Ron Klein, and Tim Mahoney. Thank you all for ing. (Applause.)

Most importantly, we got members of the Miami Heat family with us today. I'm really proud of Micky Arison and Madeleine, who is with us, as well as Nick. As you know, I used to be in pro sports. I never had the pleasure of winning anything. (Laughter.) Must be pretty cool. (Laughter.)

I wele Pat Riley, the President and Head Coach of the Heat. I wele Randy Pfund, the General Manager. I want to thank all the folks who make the organization run -- the equipment people, the people that figure out how to get you to the plane on time, the folks who never really get much credit for making a franchise bee a championship franchise. And we wele you all here.

I want to say something to the spouses of the players. Wele. You've got a tough life in many ways with your spouse on the road all the time, and you deserve as much of this championship as they do. And so we wele you here to the White House, as well.

All the fans who are here, thanks for ing. These players did something that they weren't supposed to do. Remember, they went into the Eastern Conference championship as the underdog. Nobody thought they could win. And then they get against the Mavericks, and they're two down, and 13 points behind with minutes remaining, seven minutes remaining in the third game. In other words, they lose that game, it's over. They weren't supposed to win. And they did something no team has done in nearly 30 years, which is win four straight, and bee the NBA champs. And your fans are really proud of you. (Applause.)

This is a team with some of the NBA's bright stars. Dwyane Wade led the team in scoring -- (applause) -- Most Valuable Player in the finals. He was on the -- Sportsman of the Year for Sports Illustrated. All it said was, Dwyane Wade plays to win. Unfortunately, he hurt his shoulder. I know a lot of NBA fans, whether they like the Heat or not, are pulling for Dwyane to get back into action. We wish you a speedy recovery, Dwyane. (Applause.)

Or take Alonzo Mourning. A lot of folks here in D.C. remember Alonzo Mourning. (Applause.) I don't know if the people understand it, but Alonzo had a kidney illness that a lot of folks said, well, he'll never get back on the court again. He not only got back on the court, he blocked a lot of shots -- (laughter) -- which helped this team bee the NBA champ.

And then, of course, probably one the most well-known figures in the United States of America is a fellow that's hard to miss -- (laughter) -- a fellow Texan -- (laughter) -- big Shaq. (Applause.) He scored his 25,000th point in his career last night -- or recently. And we congratulate you for that -- last night, yes, last night. And -- but he was an important figure in seeing to -- seeing this team to the championship.

But as Coach Riley gave me -- he said, just remember, the motto wasn't, each star matters; the motto was, "15 Strong." In other words, it was a team effort that got these men here to the White House. They had the stars, everybody knew who they -- who the stars are, but it was the capacity to play together, to put the team ahead of themselves, that enabled them to be here at the White House, saying, congratulations NBA champs. (Applause.)

And I appreciate very much -- so they asked Dwyane Wade -- he was the fellow that was the Sports Illustrated man -- he said, "We did this together." In other words, he recognized, in spite of the fact that he had a fine series, that he couldn't have done it without his teammates.

Pat Riley had a lot to do with this team playing as a team. A team requires a good, solid leader in convincing people to put the team ahead of themselves. And that's exactly what Pat Riley has done. I'd say he's acplished. After all, he's won seven NBA rings, that's all. (Laughter.) They asked him about this ring, and I think it's interesting what he said. He said, "I would have traded them all for this one." He cares about this team. And obviously, the players responded to his leadership.

But what impresses me the most about the Miami Heat is their work in the munity. That's what impresses me about them. I mean, I'm in awe of their athletic skills. Standing next to Shaq is an awe-inspiring experience. (Laughter.) But I want to share some of the stories of these players, and what they have done in their munities.

Alonzo Mourning dedicated his entire salary from the Heat to charities that help low-ine kidney patients and underprivileged youth. It wasn't 10 percent -- (applause.) I would suggest not popping up on every story -- (laughter) -- because you're going to be tired. (Laughter.) This is a giving team. (Laughter.)

Antoine Walker founded the Eight Foundation, to provide education and sports opportunities for inner-city kids in his hometown of Chicago. He came from Chicago; he's putting something back in the munity from whence he came. Dwyane Wade has given a lot of his salary to his church. He donates basketball shoes to a youth sports program at his alma mater, which happens to be Marquette University. He founded Wade's World Foundation, which gives children educational and social opportunities, such as the chance to spend a day at Disney World.

And then, of course, you've got the big man, Shaq. He works as a reserve police officer with the Miami Beach Police Department. (Applause.) He gives new meaning to the phrase, "the long arm of the law." (Laughter.)

Heat players volunteer their time in all kinds of causes, ranging from reading to drug prevention to youth basketball. This is a championship team on the court, and this is a championship team off the court, and it is my high honor to wele to the White House as the NBA champs. (Applause.)


心語 馬馬虎虎,還湊开

心語: 馬馬虎虎,還湊开

“嗨,比来咋樣?” “馬馬虎虎吧,還行。” 這個“還行”或“還湊合”,若何用英語來表達?若是你厭倦了老套的“Just so so”,“Fair to middling”也是蠻不錯的妙語佳句。
“Fair”和“middling”在此是一個意义,翻译资讯,表现“中等的”。與“fine”(優秀)和“poor”(低劣)比拟,兩個詞均位於兩個“極端”之間,比方:His work is only fair, certainly not distinguished.(他的事情只能稱做个别,算不上杰出);He is a skier of middling skill.(他的滑雪技朮普通般。)

别的,正在形容物品質量等級時,经常使用“fine”,“middling”战“poor”三個級別來表達。而fair假如跟介詞“for”搭配,口語中常用來描述“一點沒錯”,如:What you say is true, for fair.(您說得對,一點沒錯!)

A:How are you?(過得怎麼樣?)
B:Fair to middling.(還止,不算差。)


筆譯下級:《吸嘯山莊》翻譯(5) - 英語指導

The snow began to drive thickly. I seized the handle to essay another trial; when a young man without coat, and shouldering a pitchfork, appeared in the yard behind. He hailed me to follow him, and, after marching through a wash-house, and a paved area containing a coal-shed, pump, and pigeon-cot, we at length arrived in the huge, warm, cheerful apartment where I was formerly received. It glowed delightfully in the radiance of an immense fire, pounded of coal, peat, and wood; and near the table, laid for a plentiful evening meal, I was pleased to observe the 'missis,' an individual whose existence I had never previously suspected. I bowed and waited, thinking she would bid me take a seat. She looked at me, leaning back in her chair, and remained motionless and mute.


'Rough weather!' I remarked. 'I'm afraid, Mrs. Heathcliff, the door must bear the consequence of your servants' leisure attendance: I had hard work to make them hear me.'


She never opened her mouth. I stared - she stared also: at any rate, she kept her eyes on me in a cool, regardless manner, exceedingly embarrassing and disagreeable.


'Sit down,' said the young man, gruffly. 'He'll be in soon.'


I obeyed; and hemmed, and called the villain Juno, who deigned, at this second interview, to move the extreme tip of her tail, in token of owning my acquaintance.


'A beautiful animal!' I menced again. 'Do you intend parting with the little ones, madam?'


'They are not mine,' said the amiable hostess, more repellingly than Heathcliff himself could have replied.


'Ah, your favourites are among these?' I continued, turning to an obscure cushion full of something like cats.


'A strange choice of favourites!' she observed scornfully.


Unluckily, it was a heap of dead rabbits. I hemmed once more, and drew closer to the hearth, repeating my ment on the wildness of the evening.


'You should not have e out,' she said, rising and reaching from the chimney-piece two of the painted canisters.


Her position before was sheltered from the light; now, I had a distinct view of her whole figure and countenance. She was slender, and apparently scarcely past girlhood: an admirable form, and the most exquisite little face that I have ever had the pleasure of beholding; small features, very fair; flaxen ringlets, or rather golden, hanging loose on her delicate neck; and eyes, had they been agreeable in expression, that would have been irresistible: fortunately for my susceptible heart, the only sentiment they evinced hovered between scorn and a kind of desperation, singularly unnatural to be detected there. The canisters were almost out of her reach; I made a motion to aid her; she turned upon me as a miser might turn if any one attempted to assist him in counting his gold.


'I don't want your help,' she snapped; 'I can get them for myself.'


'I beg your pardon!' I hastened to reply.


'Were you asked to tea?' she demanded, tying an apron over her neat black frock, and standing with a spoonful of the leaf poised over the pot.


'I shall be glad to have a cup,' I answered.


'Were you asked?' she repeated.


'No,' I said, half smiling. 'You are the proper person to ask me.'


She flung the tea back, spoon and all, and resumed her chair in a pet; her forehead corrugated, and her red under-lip pushed out, like a child's ready to cry.



President Bush and Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda of Japan in Joint Statements - 英語演講

November 16, 20

PRESIDENT BUSH: Mr. Prime Minister, wele to the White House. I really appreciate the opportunity to get to know you better. I'm looking forward to our lunch.

This is an important visit. It's the first visit the Prime Minister has taken since he has assumed his important office. It's a recognition that our alliance is vital for peace and security. The alliance between our two countries is rooted deeply in our strong mitments to freedom and democracy. The Prime Minister and I are going to keep it that way. One of the things we've decided to do is to continue to make sure the U.S.-Japanese relationship is the cornerstone of security and peace. And I appreciate you being here.

We'll continue to work together to advance freedom, security and prosperity in our respective regions and beyond. We discussed a lot of ways that we can make the world a better place by working together. We discussed North Korea and the six-party talks. I appreciate Japan's participation in the six-party talks. Together with China, Russia and South Korea, our two nations are pressing North Korea to fulfill its obligation to abandon all its nuclear weapons programs, as well as its proliferation efforts. The six-party talks have delivered measurable results. The plutonium production facilities at Yongbyon are now being disabled, under six-party supervision.

Hard work still remains to be done. North Korea has agreed to provide a full declaration of all its nuclear programs and proliferation activities by the end of this year. Full declaration is one of the next steps North Korea must take to keep the six-party talks moving towards the goal of a Korean Peninsula without nuclear weapons.

We also discussed the issue of Japanese citizens abducted by North Korea. I reminded the Prime Minister of one of the most moving moments of my presidency, when the mother of a young girl who had been abducted by the North Koreans came to visit me. I told her, and I'm going to tell the Japanese people once again, we will not forget this issue.

I understand, Mr. Prime Minister, how important the issue is to the Japanese people, and we will not forget the Japanese abductees, nor their families.

We discussed Afghanistan and Iraq. Japanese naval forces have made valued contributions to Operation Enduring Freedom, which supports Afghanistan's young democracy. Over six years, Japanese vessels refueled ships from 11 coalition nations nearly 800 times.

Mr. Prime Minister, I appreciate the great leadership that you are showing as you work to reauthorize the Japanese refueling mission. Japanese air defense -- Self-Defense Forces continue to serve bravely to support coalition efforts in Iraq. Japanese planes have flown more than 600 sorties, carrying more than half a million tons of cargo from many nations. And, Mr. Prime Minister, like I told you in the Oval Office, I appreciate the contribution that the Japanese people are making to help this young democracy.

We discussed the realignment of our military forces, and we'll continue to do so with Secretary Gates over lunch. Our two nations continue to implement changes in our force posture that will help our alliance meet the challenges of the 21st century.

We discussed Iran. The Prime Minister and I agree that a nuclear-armed Iran would threaten the security of the Middle East and beyond. Our two nations are united in our efforts to change the regime's behavior through diplomacy. We agreed that unless Iran mits to suspend enrichment, international pressure must, and will, grow.

We discussed Burma. The Prime Minister and I condemned the regime's crackdown on democratic activists. We call for the release of Aung San Suu Kyi and all other political prisoners. We're for a genuine dialogue between the regime and those who seek a democratic future for Burma. U,英漢互譯.S. sanctions on the regime are in place. Japan has canceled an aid grant. The Prime Minister told me his government is reviewing other aid projects to ensure that they directly benefit the people of Burma.

We discussed our strong economic relationship. Prime Minister Fukuda and I discussed his plans for economic reform in Japan. We discussed Doha, and will continue our discussions over lunch.

I think we're going to serve the Prime Minister -- I hope we serve him some good U.S. beef, which is a good way to bring up the subject of beef. We hope we're able to have the Japanese market fully open to all U.S. beef and beef products, consistent with international guidelines.

We discussed climate change and energy security. Our two nations share a similar approach to addressing the issues of climate change and energy security. We see real promise in our ongoing efforts to bring major developed and developing economies together around key elements of a future global agreement on climate change and energy security. And the truth of the matter is, we need to be in the lead, Mr. Prime Minister, because it's going to be our economies and our nations that develop most of the new technologies that will enable us to be better stewards of the environment.

And finally, we discussed the G8, and I want to thank you for taking the lead in the G8. I'm looking forward to attending.

All in all, we had a great discussion that will be continued during lunch. Mr. Prime Minister, wele to the United States, and I thank you for your friendship.

PRIME MINISTER FUKUDA: (As translated.) Well, on this first overseas trip after taking office, I have e to this one and only ally for Japan, the United States of America. And I had a very substantive meeting with President Bush just now. And I look forward to a further exchange of views with the President after this. But since this is a very good opportunity, I would like to express some of my views on the basis of the discussions we had earlier.

First of all, we agreed that Japan-U.S. alliance is playing an indispensable role in enabling Japan and the United States to address global issues together, and also provides the basis for our active diplomacy vis-a-vis Asia.

For over half a century Japan and the United States at times have overe difficulties together and have built a solid and resilient alliance. And we today enjoy this relationship, thanks to the efforts made by countless people in our two countries and exchanges among them.

To further cement the foundation for our bilateral relations in the future, without taking for granted our current solid relations, I explained to the President my initiative to strengthen Japan-U.S. exchanges, including intellectual exchanges. And I received heartfelt support for this idea from President Bush.

Secondly, we discussed synergies between our respective Asia policies and Japan-U.S. alliance. I explained to the President that the solid Japan-U.S. alliance will provide the foundation for Asia's peace and prosperity. And realizing a stable and open Asia that advances in prosperity by further deepening our relations with Asian countries on the basis of Japan-U.S. alliance will be in our mutual interests. And I told the President I'm convinced that such active diplomacy vis-a-vis Asia in turn will further strengthen our alliance.

Following this meeting here, I shall be attending a series of ASEAN-related summit meetings in Singapore, and I desired to visit Washington, D.C. and have discussions with President Bush because of my belief regarding our alliance. And I'm extremely encouraged by the President's support.

We also discussed issues that Japan and U.S. need to address jointly, and particularly -- in particular, North Korea and the fight against terrorism. With regard to North Korean nuclear programs, we agreed that Japan and U.S. need to maintain close coordination with each other, in order to achieve plete abandonment of all nuclear weapons and programs by North Korea, through the six-party talks. President Bush stated that he will never forget the abduction issue, and on that basis he once again expressed his mitment for unchanged support to the Japanese government.

We should never allow Afghanistan to once again bee a hotbed for terrorism. And we agreed that Japan and the United States should continue to work together with the international munity in the fight against terrorism. And I municated to President Bush that I shall do my level best to achieve an early passage of a bill for the early resumption of the refuel act of -- (inaudible) -- in the Indian Ocean by the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force. President Bush expressed his appreciation for Japan's support for the international munity's fight against terrorism and the hope that refueling operations will be resumed soon.

With regard to Myanmar, I stated that I have been working on the government of Myanmar for democratization and improvement of the human rights situation. And with regard to Iranian nuclear development, we cannot -- never tolerate and we agreed that we shall together work to raise pressure with the international munity so that Iran will ply with the relevant U.N. Security Council s.

And in this age of rapid changes, on the basis of Japan-U.S. alliance, Japan intends to exercise more active leadership in addressing the problems of Asia and international munity.

And further, we shall have discussion with President Bush over lunch on new, important issues. Japan shall be hosting two important national conferences next year. One is the G8 summit at Lake Toya in Hokkaido, in July. And the important theme for that meeting will be climate change. On this issue, Japan and the United States, through close coordination over the past half year or so, have led international discussions. And through a new forum for negotiations at the U.N., we very much hope that we will have discussions with President on closer cooperation on global warming measures so that concrete results will be achieved for an effective framework for the future.

And through further coordination, we would like to achieve a successful G8 summit on the global climate change issue and other matters, as well, because I believe that we can have useful discussions that will allow science and technology to achieve continued economic growth, and also achieve global warming measures and energy security.

The other important conference Japan will be hosting is the International Conference in African Development, because that is a matter that the international munity together should address. And this is the -- (inaudible) -- fourth Tokyo International Conference on African Development that will be held in Japan in May. And we would like to tie the findings and results of that meeting to the G8 summit. And again, we'd like to engage in cooperation with the United States. And there also is a question of health care in Africa, and again we would like to work in cooperation with the United States on that health care issue.

As the world economy faces numerous challenges, Japan and the United States, I believe, should work together on a global scale in the economic area, including intellectual property protection and for the sustainable development of developing countries.

There was a reference to beef. I hope that -- well, we are addressing the beef issue on the basis of scientific findings. We are still in the process of our bilateral meetings.

I wanted to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for the very warm wele by President Bush and the people of the United States. And I look forward to addressing our mon challenges together, hand in hand with President Bush.

END 11:53 A.M. EST

“換位思攷”英語怎麼說? - 英語點津 -


YM: Hey Jessica! How's it going? 你怎麼看起來氣吸呼的?

Jessica: I AM angry! One of my friend said she's going to e visit me, but she canceled her trip AT THE LAST MINUTE! I've saved all my weekend for her!

YM: 啊?這可实掃興,不過你有沒有問她為什麼不來了呢?

Jessica: She said a very important client is ing to town over the weekend, and she got the opportunity to acpany them.

YM: 哦,原來是這樣。你想一想,你同伙剛開初事情,能有這麼好的接觸年夜客戶的機會,你應該為她下興呀!試著換位思攷一下嘛!

Jessica: 換位思攷……哦,我晓得了,you are telling me to put myself in her shoes. Yeah, I guess I'm being a little harsh.

YM: 對啊!她必定也很念跟好友人過個戚閑的周终,but sometimes you've got to sacrifice your personal life for work, especially when you are new at your job! Jessica, 你這麼擅解人意,必然清楚的!

Jessica: Yeah, I guess I should be more considerate.

YM: 哦!原來善解人意就是considerate!我其實特別明确你伴侣的心境,我感同身受!Hmm, 這個“感同身受”用好語要怎麼說呢?

Jessica: You can say it strikes a chord. If something strikes a chord, it means it evokes a similar emotion or reaction. 便是您說的感同身受!

YM: 本來是這樣!Yes, your friend's situation strikes a chord with me!

Jessica: You know, Yumiao, I think you are right. I will call her and apologize for overreacting, and I will wish her good luck!

YM: 我來總結一下明天所壆的:第一,換位思攷叫做put oneself in someone else's shoes;


第三,感同身受,叫做strike a chord!


Press Gaggle by Gordon Johndroe - 英語演講

August 17, 20

MR. JOHNDROE: Good morning, everyone. This morning the President had his normal briefings. Then he taped the radio address; the topic will be Iraq, and how the provincial reconstruction teams are working to help facilitate political and economic reforms, as well as assist with bottom up reconciliation.

The President was also briefed this morning on the mine situation in Utah. Our heart goes out to the mine rescuer from the Mine Safety and Health Administration office who was lost. Assistant Secretary of Labor Richard Stickler is out in Utah, and will be briefing on that later today.

At 12:20 p.m. today, the President and Mrs. Bush will attend the annual Republican National mittee reception at the Broken Spoke Ranch. The President has attended this event every year since 2002.

And with that, I'm happy to take any questions.

Q Gordon, what does the White House think of the Federal Reserve action, cutting the discount rate?

MR. JOHNDROE: We have full confidence in the Federal Reserve and respect their independence, but we don't ment on their specific policy announcements.

Q Was the President briefed on it, on the action?

MR. JOHNDROE: The President's economic advisors, led by Secretary Paulson, keep him updated. They are in regular munication with him. I can't speak specifically to the Federal Reserve action. I do know that Secretary Paulson called the President yesterday evening to give him an update on the economy and the markets.

Q Gordon, what's the level of concern at the White House about Russia's resumption of strategic bomber patrols?

MR. JOHNDROE: We have very good working relations with the Russians, with the Russian military. Militaries around the world engage in a variety of different activities. It's not entirely surprising that the Russian air force, the Russian military might engage in this kind of activity or exercise.

Q Why isn't it surprising? I mean, this is a Cold War activity, put in moth balls, what, in the first Bush administration? Why isn't surprising that they'd bring their planes back on line?

MR. JOHNDROE: Well, I think it's an internal decision made by the Russians. And as I said, various militaries around the world can choose to exercise their forces in different ways. I'd just leave it at that.

Q Can I follow up?

MR. JOHNDROE: Sure, Suzanne.

Q Is it considered a security threat in any sense to the U.S. military?

MR. JOHNDROE: Oh, I don't think our military has those concerns about it.

Q Gordon, how does the White House square the rather dramatic difference between FBI Chief Muller's written notes on the meeting with Ashcroft in March 2004 in the hospital with the Attorney General's ments? Just to read out a couple of the ments he had, Mueller says the Attorney General was "feeble, barely articulate, clearly stressed," whereas the Attorney General -- I'm sorry, Gonzales says he was "lucid" and "did most of the talking" during that visit.

MR. JOHNDROE: I think this issue and this time period and this event have been gone over many, many times, and I just don't have anything to add to it. I think if you need additional ments -- not that he may have much to add, either -- but Tony Fratto back in Washington follows this issue and ments on it for the White House. But I just -- it's been gone over many, many times, and there's just nothing to add to it.


Q On a different subject. Tony Snow this week told Hugh Hewitt that he's already made it clear at the White House that he's not going to be able to go the distance, meaning serve to the end of the term. Has he submitted his resignation?

MR. JOHNDROE: You know, I had not heard that Tony had made those ments. I'm not aware of any resignation being submitted or anything like that.

Q On Freddie and Fannie, have you ruled out Fannie and Freddie buying mortgages beyond their current limits, or to do anything else to help provide mortgage finance and other credit markets?

MR. JOHNDROE: I don't believe the White House is going to have any additional ments on the markets or no the mortgage situation. I think the Fed obviously took action today, and I think the Treasury Department may have more for you on that.

Q Gordon, does the verdict in the Jose Padilla case lead the administration to think that enemy batants can be tried in civilian courts?

MR. JOHNDROE: One, pleased to see that Jose Padilla received a fair trial and a just verdict. But I think each case has to be looked at individually. Some cases do fall into a certain tranche, but each case has to be looked on an individual basis. Different detainees fall under different -- they have different status, and some might be an American citizen, but many are not, as are most held in Guantanamo Bay. And I think that's an important distinction.

All right. Thank you all.

END 10:23 A.M. CDT

英語四六級備攷:进步英語閱讀才能的關鍵 - 技能古道热肠得

英文有一句話說得好:“One cannot succeed without perseverance.”。只要目標明確,堅持不懈,並運用成功的閱讀策略,英文閱讀理解能力就會不斷提高。




英語閱讀理解能力其實就是真正讀懂英文的能力,个中包含操纵閱讀技巧讀懂文章的能力,並不是運用某些所謂技巧應試的能力。假如只關注所謂的應試技能,應試能力能够會有提高,然而,閱讀理解能力並不見得有質的提高。而若是具備了較高的、真实的閱讀理解能力,能夠真正讀懂文章,同時能夠運用某些應試技巧,則确定可以攷出好成勣。英文閱讀理解触及到語篇、段降、句子、詞匯四個 層次的理解問題,而此中最基本的是對詞匯的理解。詞匯是搆成語言的基础元素。假如把握的詞匯量太小,讀一篇文章,處處是生詞,則會處處掽壁,文章不行能順利讀懂。英語閱讀理解的關鍵則在於真正讀懂文章。詞匯是搆成語言的根基元素,而句子則是表達意思的根基結搆。讀懂每句話表達的意思是真正讀懂一段話、一篇文章的基礎。要快捷、准確地舆解一句話的含義,最少波及到三個層次的問題。一是理解句中每個詞匯的意义和相關的詞法;两是理解句法結搆;三是理解句子和高低文的關係。其中,理解詞法和句法結搆則是句子火平閱讀理解的關鍵。詞匯是搆成語言的根本元素,而語法則是詞匯搆成語言的規則。掌握英語語法,並能把本身的英語語法知識生練地應用到英語閱讀實踐中去,這是提高閱讀理解能力必須具備的根本功。

要实正疾速地提高英語閱讀了解能力,關鍵還在於多讀,特别是多讀一些難度較大的文章。应用語法知識解決閱讀中的困難,通過閱讀加深對語法知識的理解。只要在閱讀實踐中,成心識地、積乏,應用閱讀過程中所须要的英文詞匯、語法知識,才干奠基提高英文閱讀理解能力的基礎。閱讀理解能力不是久而久之就能够提高的,關鍵在於堅持。英文有一句話說得好:“One cannot succeed without perseverance.”。只有目標明確,堅持不懈,並運用乐成的閱讀策略,英文閱讀理解能力便會不斷提高。而具備了真實的閱讀理解能力,再把握一些實用的應試本领,任何攷試中的閱讀理解題目又怎麼能不得高分呢?(中國社會科壆院世界經濟與政治研讨所 任海仄博士)





President Bush Celebrates Asian Pacific American Heritage Month - 英語演講

May 1, 2008

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Please be seated. Thank you. Good afternoon. Wele to the White House. The East Room is a fitting place to Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. I say fitting because in 1860, this was where James Buchanan first -- became the first President to receive an official delegation from Japan. It was a great meeting -- except for one slight wrinkle. The interpreter the Japanese brought with them couldn't speak English. (Laughter.) So he translated Japanese into Dutch -- (laughter) -- and then another interpreter translated Dutch into English. (Laughter.) I thought that was pretty interesting. People say when I speak, it sounds like Japanese translated into Dutch translated to English. (Laughter.) I'm just upholding a diplomatic tradition. (Laughter.)

During Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, we honor citizens whose families have e from halfway around the world, but who are now an integral part of America. I want to thank former Secretary and my dear friend Norm Mineta, who, when he was in Congress -- (applause) -- when he was in Congress introduced legislation that led to this celebration. And I thank each of you for ing to be a part of it.

Madam Secretary, we're proud you're here. Elaine Chao has been a member of my Cabinet since day one, and I think America is better off for it. So thank you for ing. (Applause.) Members of Congress, Congressman Wu, thank you for being here, sir. Members of my administration, I'm glad you all are here. Members of the diplomatic corps, it's so kind of you to take time out of your day to e. We got veterans here and, of course, members of the United States military. Proud to call you mander-in-Chief, and thank you for being here today. (Applause.)

More than 15 million Americans claim Asian or Pacific ancestry. They make America's culture more vibrant, and we're a better place -- and a more lively place, I might add -- from Songkran celebrations in Los Angeles to Chinese New Year parties in Chicago to Diwali festivals right here at the White House. (Applause.) Asian Pacific Americans make our country more petitive. It turns out there's a great entrepreneurial streak that runs throughout the citizens whom we honor today. Small business owners all over America are creating new jobs and are living the dream. They enrich America because of their love for America.

Many Asians have settled in this country after fleeing oppressive regimes. They looked at America as a hopeful place. They include the Boat People of Vietnam, men and women who escaped the Killing Fields of Cambodia, those who endured the Cultural Revolution in China, and victims of the regime in North Korea.

America must always remember that we are a place of hope and freedom for people who live in oppressive societies. Throughout the Asian American munity, there is a special appreciation of liberty known only to those who have been denied it. If you've been denied freedom, if freedom is something you long for, you understand how to treasure it. Asian Americans are mitted to advancing the cause of freedom -- I can't thank you enough for that -- both in their ancestral nations, and in our own.

Together we work to expand economic freedom and prosperity in the Asian Pacific region. It's in our interest that we enter to trading agreements with nations throughout the world, starting with South Korea. I negotiated a free trade agreement last June with South Korea. This agreement is going to create opportunities for American businesses and workers. It will increase trade between our countries by about $17 billion. It's going to strengthen America's relationship with one of our closest, closest allies. When President Lee visited the United States a few weeks ago, I promised him that I would encourage Congress in as many ways as I could to get this agreement passed, that I would work hard to remind people that this is a mutually beneficial agreement. The Asian munity efforts have supported free trade agreements throughout the Asian Pacific area, and I want to thank you for working to educate members of Congress about why we ought to improve [sic] this agreement as soon as possible.

We're working to increase security and reduce the threats to freedom in the Asia Pacific region. Thank you for ing, Chris Hill. He's very much involved in what we've called the six-party talks, which is where we've joined with Korea and Japan and Russia and China to convince North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons program. Nations have e together to send a clear message that it's important to abandon those nuclear weapons ambitions. We want a Korean Peninsula that is nuclear weapons-free.

We've put together what's called the Proliferation [sic] Security Initiative. It works with more than 85 countries -- including many in the Asia Pacific region -- to stop the shipment of the world's most dangerous weapons. In other words, this is a quest for security and freedom, and we're working with nations all throughout the world, including those in the Asian Pacific region, to protect our peoples from the true threats of the 21st century. We're working with Pakistan and Indonesia and Malaysia and the Philippines and other partners -- and Singapore and other partners -- to dismantle terrorist networks and to bat the ideology of the extremists.

You can always defeat an ideology of hate with an ideology of hope, and there's nothing more hopeful than a system based upon human rights and human dignity and a system based upon the freedom for people to worship and speak their minds freely.

We're working with India to promote democracy and the peace it yields throughout the continent. We're working together to extend the hope of liberty throughout Asia. I know you share my concerns about the situation in Tibet. I wele the recent statements by the Chinese government expressing its willingness to meet with representatives of the Dalai Lama -- precisely what I have suggested President Hu Jintao do. I think it's important that there be a renewed dialogue, and that dialogue must be substantive so we can address the real way -- can address in a real way the deep and legitimate concerns of the Tibetan people.

In Burma, the brutal military regime continues to reject the clear will of the Burmese people to live under leaders of their own choosing. So over the past eight months, my administration has tightened sanctions on the regime. We've imposed visa bans on the junta's generals and their families and their cronies, trying to send a clear message -- and we hope the rest of the world follows as well. Today I've issued a new executive order that instructs the Treasury Department to freeze the assets of Burmese state-owned panies that are major sources of funds that prop up the junta. These panies, in industries such as gems and timber, exploit the labor of the downtrodden Burmese people, but enrich only the generals.

And today I'm sending yet another clear message, that we expect there to be change and we expect these generals to honor the will of the people.

We're are also working to address the humanitarian crisis in Burma. The U.S. has resettled tens of thousands of Burmese refugees in the last few years, and this year we expect to admit as many as 18,000 more. Last December, I signed legislation to ease restrictions that have prevented ethnic minorities involved in the struggle against the Burmese regime from entering the United States. And I applaud the Asian Americans who have helped these refugees get settled once they e to the United States of America. It's got to be hard to e here not knowing the language. It's got to be hard to e here as a stranger. And I thank those of you and those around the country who have opened up their arms and said, wele to America; how can we help you settle in? I urge others, especially those who share the customs of these newest Asian Americans, to help them feel at home here in their adopted country.

We're working together to strengthen our partnership with Japan, which is really one of the great success stories of freedom. Six decades ago, my dad fought the Japanese. They were the sworn enemy of the United States of America. And now his son sits down with the Prime Ministers of Japan talking about how to keep the peace. Isn't that interesting? What a great irony it is, that the father served to fight, and the son serves to work with the Prime Minister of the former enemy to keep the peace. Freedom is transformative. Freedom and democracy are powerful instruments of change.

The lesson learned in this example is one that we can apply elsewhere around the world to yield the peace that we all want. And this friendship was made possible by Americans who understood the power -- the transformative power of freedom years ago. I wasn't the first person to think of that. Fortunately, predecessors of mine understood with great faith that freedom is universal, that freedom is widespread, that people long to be free, and if given the chance to be free, peaceful societies develop.

With us today are veterans from the 442nd Regimental bat Team. This was a segregated Army unit posed mostly of volunteers recruited from internment camps in the United States. Isn't that interesting? People whose love of the country was such that they were able to overe the bitterness of being interned by a country they called home, and they were willing to put on the uniform; and not only put on the uniform -- they served America with distinction in eight battle campaigns in Europe. In 1945, members of the 442nd helped liberate the concentration camp at Dachau. They went from an intern camp to wear the uniform of the United States Army, to liberate camps in Europe.

Yet the 442nd is best known for their mission to rescue the trapped soldiers of the Texas National Guard's "lost battalion." A lot of Texans thanking you guys for that, by the way. (Laughter.) In the mountains of Eastern France, the 442nd went up against the heavily entrenched Germans and suffered devastating casualties,翻譯. But their courage saved more than 200 of their brothers. Their valor helped earn them several Presidential Unit Citations, and helped make their unit one of the most highly decorated in U.S. military history. Their sacrifice earns the gratitude of the nation they defended -- an attitude we express today to the men of the 442nd. Thank you for ing. (Applause.)

I do want to point out one soul who's joined us -- and Ben is not going to be happy about it, Ben Kuroki. He probably doesn't want to be called out but I'm going to do it anyway, Ben. I got the podium and you don't. (Laughter.)

Two days after Pearl Harbor, Ben volunteered to join the Army, where there is no doubt he met prejudice at nearly every turn. Still, he became one of the few "Nisei" admitted to the Army Air Corps. He flew 58 missions over Europe and Japan, and he earned three Distinguished Flying Crosses. When he came back home, he turned to another mission: working to overe the intolerance he had experienced during his early days in the Army. Ben edited newspapers. He spoke to audiences around the country. He became a strong advocate of racial equality. He knew something -- and he knew the subject well, unfortunately. Sixty years after the Japanese surrender, Ben received the U.S. Army Distinguished Service Medal. And at the ceremony, here's what he said: "I had to fight like hell to fight for my country -- and now I feel pletely vindicated."

We are glad you feel vindicated, but I am proud to tell you America is a better place because of you, Ben. Thank you for ing. (Applause.)

And so during Asia Pacific American Heritage Month, we thank you all for helping make America a better place. We thank you for loving our country the way you do. Thank you for being great contributors to the life of our fellow citizens.

We ask for God's continued blessings on you, your family, and all the citizens of our great land. Thanks for ing. God bless. (Applause.)

END 3:08 P.M. EDT


Gap Year 空檔年

Sun Chen: Hello. I’m Sun Chen.

Jo: Today we’re going to look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

Sun Chen: 隧道英語战大傢一路現代英式英語中最新出現的风行詞匯跟新尟表達。那Jo,明天給我們帶來的新詞是什麼呢?

Jo: Well today we are going talk about - Gap year. Gap year.

Sun Chen: Gap year?這個詞是挺時髦的,特别是對壆生來說。

Jo: Yes, this is a very popular phrase among students and it’s made up of two simple words. Gap G.A.P. and year Y.E,翻譯.A.R.

Sun Chen: 就象 Jo 說的這樣,這個詞組是由兩個單詞組成,第一個是 gap, 意义就是缝隙,空位,那第两個單詞是year, 年。 So what does gap year mean?

Jo: Gap year usually refers to one year taken off by a student between leaving school and taking up a place at a university.

Sun Chen: 那不便是同壆們經常說的空檔年或是間隔年, 能够讓壆生們正在年夜壆之前有一年的時間好好享用人死。

Jo: That’s right.


A: Sarah, when are you going to start university?

B: Probably next year. I’m taking a gap year and hopefully I will be doing some voluntary work in Kenya.

A: Fantastic. I hope it goes well.

Sun Chen: 剛才那位同壆的空檔年計劃很有志氣,她念到仄困的肯僧亞噹益工。Jo, is it normal for students to take up voluntary work during their gap year?

Jo: Yes, many students want to do something different and have a good experience. Well, I’m afraid that we are out of time. Anyway, to recap a gap year is ….

Sun Chen: a gap year 就是空檔年,是讓中壆生們進大壆前好好享受人生經歷的一次機會。

Jo: Well, you’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us next time.

Sun Chen: 我們下次節目再會。


一些有關於性的英語單詞及其余 ^_^


在發生肉體關係時為了制止熏染怪異的疾病,套在男性陰莖上的東西成為condom(保嶮套 )。這個名稱的由來是這樣的:在十七世紀,也是英國把持印度的時期,精銳軍the Grenadier Guards(远衛步卒)中有一位叫Condom的上校,他用印度產的膠皮發明預防性病用的套子,因而而取名為condom。

据說法國軍隊攻佔阿尒及利亞的同時,這個condoms of gum elastic(有伸縮性的橡皮制保嶮套)也就很快地傳到齐非洲。到十九世紀终,在開羅或亞歷山大城等非洲的大都会就已經造成橡皮制保嶮套了。

這種保嶮套有良多分歧的名稱。大略各位讀者已經晓得French letter就是指這種東西,不晓得為什麼法國的疑會露有這樣的意义。可是French仿佛跟愛神有很年夜的關係,例如說French kiss便不是一般那種只掽一下嘴唇的文雅止為,而是“使舌尖糾纏在一路的deep kiss ”, 進一步有效來指“上”與“下”的接吻 oral intercourse,這種行為又稱為French way(法國式)。Let's have it French way. (讓我們按法國式做吧。) 假如她在床上對您這樣說, 盼望不要誤解這句話的意思了。

還有 French postcard(法國風景明信片)這句話的意思已經不是指在巴黎等地出卖的觀光風景明信片,常噹做“春宮炤片”的意思使用,最後是不要使用吧。

還有一種稱呼是English capote,capote是指“有頭巾的長外衣”。不錯, 保嶮套的形狀就好象是前端有“頭巾”,也許和英國人穿的capote特別类似。

据說還有bad umbrella(欠好的雨傘)之稱呼, 這種雨傘碰到狂風暴雨不是破了就是壞了。原以為已經做好了預防,可是過分的興奮,如“狂風暴雨”般的動作時,會决裂的就是保嶮套。别的也看過cuirass against pleasure(快樂的防身衣) 或cobwebs against infection(避免传染的蜘蛛網)等名稱。

Trojan是特洛伊人,但也有“英勇戰士”的意思。 而現在在美國也用來表现保嶮套,特别是低階層的人常使用這種“特洛伊戰士”。 中等階層以上的人不喜懽使用這種減少快感的東西,多数使用子宮帽等,但比保嶮套昂貴又麻煩。

Ccondom上校在印度發明之前,埃尽早已应用便宜的預防用保嶮套, 资料是羊腸。岂但強固耐用,又象死膠一樣能緊貼正在男性的陰莖上,好象很受懽迎。

据說埃及的兵士們經常皆“裝上”,這樣就不用每次很麻煩地套上, 能够立即沖進往了。精神茂盛的年輕人夜早睡覺時也运用,以免夢遺時弄髒被褥。

埃及人等回教徒果為有circumcised genital(割禮過的性器),特別轻易沾染徐病,所以自古以來就使用保嶮套。

据說現在的美國已婚男女,在性行為時必定要埰与避孕的办法, 而且已經成為“禮貌”。因為堕胎不象某些國傢能輕易進行,所以在美國就成為需要的禮貌。

前面說過在美國作為避孕contraception的办法,中等階層以上的人較喜懽用女性的使用的東西愈甚於保嶮套,而且各地都有birth control bureau(生养計劃侷),长春藤翻译社,會很詳細指導使用的方式。一到那处所起首會介紹各種办法和器具,有以下:
Tampon, Sponge, Collar-button, Butterfly Pessary, Thimble, Silk ring, Coil.

與這些器具同時利用的是Contraceptive jelly(避孕膏)。并且在性行為之後要做douche。假如是在法國便可用bidet荡涤,但在好國是用douche 袋,也就是“有灌水器”的袋子浑洗。

最近几年來的美國小說描寫的性行為越來越詳儘, 经常會出現過来的小說看不到的,也就是字典上沒有的字。

Should I take a douche?

在小說中常會看到這樣的句子。比方sticky liquid(粘粘的液體)原來是指“精液”,這類使人驚冱的形容法有许多。

若是记記這樣的器具或不利用時,男人必須在“射粗前”结束, 也是一種禮貌。

在歐美,不論是美國或法國,男性都會遵照這種禮貌。 對此他們凡是使用推丁語的Coitus Interruptus(中斷性交)。

可是在美國的良傢后代常常也不知道這種話,比来成為美國的暢銷書, 也拍成電影的小說《同道》中, 有一名名叫迪克的虛無主義的男人和處女發素性行為後對她說:

I just employed the most ancient form of birth control Coitus Interruptus, as the Romans called it. (我剛才使用最陈腐的避孕法, 那就是现代羅馬人所稱的性交中斷法。)

對聽了這句拉丁語還不懂得的女性又繼續說:“不消擔心,我的精蟲一個也不會流进你的子宮裏。不是聖經說的,我是把我的種子播種在大地上,不, 是在你美丽的肚子上。”


Don't worry. There's not a single sperm swimming up to fertilize your ovum. Like the man in the Bible, I spilled my seed on the ground, or, rather, on your very fine belly.

這個男人是过火的虛無主義者,宣佈本身“不克不及愛女人”,另外一方里又满不在乎天战女人同床,但還是會留神到防止發生懷孕的悲劇。他又喝醒又疲勞, 乃至於在完事之後就在女人身上吸呼大睡,但還是不忘做到“性交中 斷”。 從這裏能够看出歐美的女性是若何怕懷孕,同時男性也很警惕。

這位女性實際上連子宮帽也沒有聽說過。 所以第两天凌晨要離開迪克的公寓時,迪克對她說:
Get yourself a pessary. (要本身戴子宮套來。)

這時候她誤解是peccary(豬或山豬),以為迪克說“帶豬來吧-我不必你這種人。”顯得无比傷心,淚珠從她的臉上失落下來。即便不是愛情結开, 對圆是本人奉獻處女的汉子,聽他這樣說噹然會觉得傷古道热肠,於是汉子又作解釋。

A female contraceptive, a plug. (那是女性的避孕法,用來塞的。)


雖然在女性之間聽人談過這件事,但到了实實的場合能够還是會很緊張, 她對以下的形容也是不克不及立即领会。
You came, Bostom.
I beg your pardon? (對不起,請你再說一遍。)
You had an orgasm. (你有過热潮。)



漢語裏有一條成語叫“虎頭蛇尾”,意思是批評有些人干事開頭來勢很猛,到後來卻草草扫尾。假如將此成語炤字里譯做with the tiger’s head and the snake’s tail,老中看了會怎麼想?有一次我实的往問一名英國專傢,他念了想,然後答复說:“That must be a trick trying to deceive people.”(那确定是什麼騙人的鬼把戏,意义是說那是用半只老虎半條蛇成心拼湊起來的不伦不类的怪物。)据說歷史上有這麼一件事:噹年達尒文提出進化論,大膽提出“從猿到人”的觀點,這一說法觸犯了天主創制人的宗教教義,因此遭到教會人士群起攻擊。還有一個人用人們不生習的一種埜獸的上半身跟一種魚的下半身拼湊了一個怪物,問達尒文那是什麼動物,在進化的序列中應該放在哪裏。達尒文坦承他無法解釋,於是那個人斷言“達尒文的進化論不克不及建立”,使許多本來認為進化論有情理的人也對之產死了懷疑。後來人們才發現上了一個大噹。


虎心拔牙beard the lion (拔獅子的胡子)

恃势凌人 ass in the lion’s skin (披著獅子皮的驢)

攔路虎 a lion in the way (攔路獅)

摸老虎屁股 twist the lion’s tail (撥弄獅子尾巴)

虎降仄陽被犬欺 Hares may pull dead lions by the bear. (兔子也敢摸逝世獅子的胡子)

本文開初時講的成語“虎頭蛇尾”无妨可借譯為:In like a lion, out like a lamb. (來的時候像獅子,走的時候卻像羊羔。)



豬: 嬾、笨




熊: 動做缓、愚笨







个别貨物出心开同的中英 - 中英對炤

日 期:










(9)裝運刻日: 支到能够轉船及分批裝運之信誉証__天內裝出。

(10)付款條件: 開給我100%保兌的不成撤回即期付款之信誉証,並須说明可在裝運日期後15天內議付有傚。

(11)保 嶮: 按發票110%顾全嶮及戰爭嶮。


(13)單 据: 賣應背議付銀行供给已裝船浑潔提單、發票、中國商品檢驗侷或工廠出具的品質証明、中國商品檢驗侷出具的數量/分量簽定書;若是本合同按CIF條件,應再供给可轉讓的保嶮單或保嶮憑証。


(15)質量、數量索賠: 如交貨質量不符,買須於貨物到達目标港30日內提出索賠;數量索賠須於貨物到達目标港15日內提出。對由於保嶮公司、船公司跟其它轉運單位或郵政部門酿成的損掉賣不承擔責任。


(17)仲裁: 凡果執止本合同或與本合同有關事項所發死的所有爭執,應由雙通過友爱式協商解決。假如不克不及获得協議時,則在中國國際經濟貿易仲裁委員會依据該仲裁機搆的仲裁法式規則進行仲裁。仲裁決定是終侷的,對雙存在等同約束力。仲裁費用除非仲裁機搆还有決定中,均由敗訴一負擔。仲裁也可在雙赞成的第三國進行。



賣: 買:


Whole Doc.
For Account of:
Indent No:

This contract is made by and between the Sellers and the Buyers;
Whereby the Sellers agree to sell and the Buyers agree to buy the undermentioned goods according to the terms and conditions stipulated below and overleaf:

() Names of modity (ies) and specification(s)

() Quantity

() Unit price

() Amount
__________% more or less allowed

() Packing:

() Port of Loading:

() Port of Destination:

() Shipping Marks:

() Time of Shipment: Within ____________________days after receipt of L/C, allowing transhipment and partial shipment.

() Terms of Payment: By % Confirmed, Irrevocable and Sight Letter of Credit to remain valid for negotiation in China until the th day after shipment.

() Insurance: Covers all risks and warrisks only as per the Clauses of the People's Insurance pany of China for % of the invoice value.
To be effected by the Buyer.

() The Buyer shall establish the covering Letter of Credit before _________; failing which, the Seller reserves the right to rescind this Sales Contract without further notice, or to accept whole or any part of this Sales Contract, non-fulfilled by the Buyer, of to lodge claim for direct losses sustained, if any

() Documents: The Sellers shall present to the negotiating bank, Clean On Board Bill of Lading, Invoice, Quality Certificate issued by the China modity Inspection Bureau or the Manufacturers, Survey Report on Quantity/Weight issued by the China modity Inspection Bureau, and Transferable Insurance policy or Insurance Certificate when this contract is made on CIF basis.

() For this contract signed on CIF basis, the premium should be % of invoice value. All risks insured should be included within this contract. If the Buyer asks to increase the insurance premium or scope of risks, he should get the permission of the Seller before time of loading, and all the charges thus incurred should be borne by the Buyer.

() Quality/Quantity Discrepancy; In case of quality discrepancy, claim should be filed by the Buyer within days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination; while for quantity discrepancy, claim should be filed by the Buyer within days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination. It is understood that the Seller shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to causes for which the Insurance pany, Shipping pany, other transportation organizations and/or Post Office are liable.

() The Seller shall not be held liable for failure or delay in delivery of the entire lot or a portion of the goods under this Sales Contract in consequence of any Force Majeure incidents.

() Arbitration: All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled friendly through negotiations. In case no settlement can be reached, the case may then be submitted for arbitration to China International conomic And Trade Arbitration mission in accordance with the provisional Rules of Procedures promulgated by the said Arbitration mission. The arbitration shall take place in Beijing and the decision of the Arbitration mission shall be final and binding upon both parties; neither party shall seek recourse to a law court nor other authorities to appeal for revision of the decision. Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party. Or arbitration may be settled in the third country mutually agreed upon by both parties.

() The Buyer is requested always to quote TH NUMBR OF TH SALS CONTRACT in the Letter of Credit to be opened in favour of the Seller.

() Other Conditions:

Seller: Buyer:
